Pretty as a Princess.

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^^^Again, I did a rough sketch of Sapphire's clothes. Don't hate, it's a rough drawing.^^^

To my relief, Thranduil welcomed us back with open arms, overjoyed to see us after such a long time. I noticed he was in much better spirits than he was before. He smiled much more often, not his usual sly smirk I had come to expect, but a genuine smile.

Legolas was quick to get himself back in the routine of being Prince of Mirkwood. Like before, he subtlety changed the way he talked and composed himself. I couldn't blame him, being Prince did bring high standards.

It wasn't until maids and servants started to being me things for for a royal did I finally realise the extent at which I would have to change myself. Now that I was being associated with the royal family, the servers started to expect differently of me.

For one, they brought me new clothes. I as expressed my desire not to have too many dresses because the last thing I wanted to be was drowning in skirts. But even my plain tunic and armour became more elaborate.

I was given armour which was much like Legolas', fish scaled armour plated on my shoulders, hard leather corsets and skirts of chainmail and silk. It wasn't entirely comfortable but I tried to seem greatfull.

Another change which I wasn't expecting was one of my handmaids giving me advice on etiquette. She started with royal conduct but slowly she began advising me on law and order as well as other things a royal is expected to know. Legolas had offered to command her to stop but regrettably, now that I was courting the Prince of Mirkwood, it seemed fitting I learnt how to conduct myself as he did.

After three months I was properly versed on royal etiquette and Legolas had even let me sit in on one of the meetings in the counsle room. It seemed boring and mundane but I tried my best to pay attention.

The month after, Thranduil announced there was to be a grand party held in his host. I asked what the party was to celebrate but I didn't get an answer. To be honest, Thranduil was the party type, he didn't really need a reason to throw a party if he just felt like it.

As before, I was invited to sit at the King's table, but unlike the last time, I knew that Thranduil genuinely wanted me at his table. Before, the day I had run away, he was just inviting me out of courtesy, but now, I was broadly accepted amongst the nobility of Mirkwood as the woman courting their Prince.

I had a deep blue dress brought to me by the royal seamstress. It seemed that everytime I asked for clothes, they would get more and more elaborate, especially the dress she had prepared for the party that night.

The tight black minidress left pretty much nothing to the imagination as it was cut low and only just brushed my knees. The deep blue robe which accompanied the dress was made of the richest velvet, it was so soft. The silver trim of the robe was emblazoned with a full moon, half moon and cresent moon.

Some of the servants came into my room to do my hair. I told them I was perfectly capable of doing it myself but they insisted. Instead of my usual casual, laid back hair, the servants came at me with hot curling tongs. I asked them why they were fussing over me but they just shrugged it off and began curling my hair.

I said through the whole thing, my arms crossed and a scowl on my face. Don't get me wrong, I did look beautiful now but I would have settled for something a little more plain.

The last thing they gave me puzzled me even more. A simple crystal necklace, it's gem sparkling like sure startlight. When I asked why they gave it to me, they said that Thranduil had given it to me as a gift. That was unexpected, I mean, we had finally gotten on good terms but I didn't expect a gift from him.

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