King of Rohan.

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As we exited the forest, I felt great relief in being able to see the sun again. Aragorn brought over two saddled horses which were tied up to the trees. He said they were a gift from the Rohan soldiers I had seen who had slaughtered the Uruks and Orcs.

Gandalf strode forward into the field and whistled into the sky. We watched and waited for a few seconds before we saw something burst from the tree line down the other side of the forest.

It was a white horse, as pure as can be. It galloped over to us, no saddle or anything, just a hide of pearly white fur.

"That is one of the Mearas..." Legolas pointed out in awe, "unless my eyes are cheated by some spell."

As it came towards us, I saw something else emerge from the bushes of Fangorn Forest.

When I looked, there were two more things bolting towards us. A horse with midnight black fur and a rather large grey wolf which could almost be mistaken for a warg at this distance.

"StarLight! Nasha!" I exclaimed, shrugging off Legolas' arms so I could hobble forward and throw my arms around my old friends.

"Shadowfax," Gandalf introduced the white horse, stroking it's white fur, "He is the lord of all horses and has been my friend through many dangers."

I run my hand over StarLight's perfect black fur. It's been so long since I've seen her, just before Moria.

I drop to my knees and hug Nasha as she barks happily and nuzzles me. I take comfort in her fur and stay there for a few minutes before I let go and try to stand back up.

I wobble a bit but a quick help from Legolas and I'm standing back on my feet.

StarLight didn't have a saddle. Usually I wouldn't mind if she didn't have one but I knew that the journey to Edoras would be long. Riding a horse with no saddle in my condition wasn't ideal but I was determined to prove to Legolas I was capable of handling myself.

I clambered up onto StarLight's back and grabbed hold of some of her hair.

Gandalf jumped up onto Shadowfax. Aragorn had a horse to himself while Legolas helped Gimli into the saddle of the other horse and jumped into the saddle in front of him.


I had to admit that the entire day of riding was taking its toll on me. I put on a stoic face and tried not to grimace at every jolt.

When we finally stopped to rest that night, Legolas came to the side of StarLight and offered his hand to me. I scoffed and swatted it away before slipping off of StarLight's back.

That was a mistake. I yelped as my feet gave way yet again and I went head first into Legolas who caught me with ease.

Regaining my balance, I shrugged him off with a huff and sat myself down to the side of the camp as Gimli started a fire.

"You alright there lassie?" Gimli asked with concern at my rage filled expression as I crossed my arms and stared into the newly lit fire.

"Just need to get my legs to work properly!" I hissed and I angrily smacked my fist into my calf.

"Did that help?" Aragorn asked with a smirk.

"Yes!" I hissed back, crossing my arms again and biting my lip.

"Did that hurt?" He asked.

"Yes!" I admitted, finally taking my hand and rubbing over the place I had just punched.

"You will heal soon enough, don't you worry, Lady Sapphire," Gandalf gave me a reasurring smile, "You will be as good as new in no time."

"I better be." I sighed as Nasha padded up to me and layed down beside me so I could run my hands through her fur.

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