Wedding Bells Toll.

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^^^Another rough sketch, it's not my best but still.^^^

I had never really given any thought to marriage, or love in general. It had never really been on my horizons until now. After all, I had spent most of my long life believing love was folly and something beneath me.

And yet there I was, waking up to the sound of bells deep within the city of Mirkwood. The bells of Mirkwood rarely ring out in the city, I myself had never heard them but I knew that they only rung out on the most special of occasions. My wedding day.

I had lived a long life, let's be fair, I am an elf. But never once did I think I would ever marry. Why should I have entertained the fantasy when I knew I wouldn't marry. How wrong I was. Call me a hypocrite.

Suffice to say, when I woke up that morning when the bells ring out, I was a cocktail of emotions.

Part of me was still in denial about Legolas' proposal and the other part that had accepted it, was completely confused and somewhat scared.

Not many things scared me, I wasn't like most women, it took more to break me than fear. I was made of stone and would not give into fear. And yet, the thought of marriage was crumbling me down to the core.

I loved Legolas, that much was clear, I had know for the past eight years of that fact. But I wasn't some common housewife and I would be damned before I became one.

I lay in bed for some time until there came a knock at my door. At first I thought it was Legolas but I remembered how he wanted to keep another pointless tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding.

I forced myself to my feet and smoothed down my nightdress as I walked to my door, putting on a week smile as I opened it.

Arwen and Éowyn stood there, surrounded by some of the servants, all smiling up at me.

The guest had been arriving for two weeks now. Legolas had ordered that the royal guard patrol the elven path so that visitors didn't get lost. Mirkwood wasn't the most welcoming to strangers but we couldn't possibly get married without friends being there.

Gimli had been the first to arrive, congratulating us and teasing us about our engagement. I was glad he was here, I need a brother in times like these. Most of the elves didn't enjoy the fact a dwarf was now in their city but we paid them no heed, after all, Gimli was Legolas' best man.

King Éomer arrived second with a Rohirrim guard, Rohan being much closer to Mirkwood than other cities. Merry and Pippin were with him, having crossed Middle-Earth just to visit us. Unfortunately, Sam could not make the journey, I didn't blame him, he was now a husband and father.

Aragorn and Arwen came next, accompanied by their little five year old son who waddled up beside them. As expected, they were escorted by guards of Gondor.

Éowyn and Faramir arrived with them. Despite my initial conclusions, it seemed they had made a lovely married couple, even with their courting period so short. I had been courting Legolas for over eight years and I was still pondering over my decision to marry him. But it seemed the two were happy, I could even see Éowyn's slight swell of her stomach, indicating she was a few months pregnant by now.

It really did seem like me and Legolas were late to the party. Most of our close friends were now settled down with a family. Even Éomer was said to have his eye on a lady back in Edoras.

Was this what marriage brought? A lifetime cut short of adventures and the noise of screaming babies? Perhaps I was making a mistake, I didn't want to be some spinster.

Éowyn and Arwen were fretting over me having not even started to get dressed. The royal seamstress was carrying my dress and all sorts of little accessories. The servants were also no help, they bustled around me, talking about hair and jewelry.

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