Goodbye to the Fellowship.

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The celebrations of Aragorn's coronation had lasted an entire week, with parties and dancing lasting hours. Drinking and singing. Laughing and kissing.

Everyone in Minas Tirith was feasting that week. Aragorn would not start his reign by catering only to the highest classes of the city, he wanted everyone to be able to celebrate the freedom of Middle-Earth.

Seen as this was likely to be the last time all of the fellowship would be gathered together for some time, we all made sure to make the most of the festivities and the time given to us.

By the time the celebrations had come to a close, I had done so much dancing and singing, I was exhausted.

Unlike the Golden Hall of Edoras, Minas Tirith did have a better selection of beverages, meaning there was even a few barrels of elvish wine.

I will admit that on one or two occasions I may have had a bit to much to stomach at any one time. I wasn't fully drunk, just a little bit more prone to suggestions.

This meant that on two occasions, I was somehow convinced to sing in front of people.

I did have enough dignity not to copy Merry and Pippin who were jumping on the tables again. Instead, I decided against drinking songs and picked two of my favourite Dwarven songs I had learnt. 'The Misty Mountains' was probably the most haunting of Dwarven songs but when most of the men around me are passing out from drink, I think they just appreciated the melody. 'I See Fire' was just as harrowing but it was at least a little bit more upbeat which is really what matters when you sing.

The final day of the celebrations, Aragorn and the rest of the fellowship stayed separated from the parties. It was rather strange that the King had excused himself from his own celebration but that day was pretty much just a private party for us the fellowship.

We sat on the floor of the White Hall, the Black and White thrones looming over us.

We exchanged as many stories as we could about the past few months. We told the Hobbits all about Helm's Deep and both Aragorn and Gimli made fun of me and Legolas for our exchange of kisses.

As the day dragged on, Aragorn jested about the huge white throne that sat before us at the top of the stairs. Gimli was once again sat in the Steward's throne but this time, he was passed out from the ale we had been drinking. Deciding I wanted a piece of the fun, I hurried up the stairs and flopped down into Aragorn's throne.

He didn't mind, in fact, he laughed along with us and joked as well.

Legolas and I would be leaving in the morning so we tried to make the most of it while we could. As much as I could tell Legolas didn't want to leave Aragorn at such an early point, I knew that he was concerned for Mirkwood and his father.

I didn't feel so comfortable with leaving either but we all had to get our lives in track at some point. I didn't really have a place to go home to, all I had on my horizons was yet another quest for the lost city of Gondolin. I decided I would stay with Legolas. Together, just like we promised.

I knew the Hobbits were itching to return to The Shire.

Éomer would be leaving with the rest of the Rohirrim soldiers, heading back to Edoras. They offered to take the Hobbits with them back to the Golden Hall. From there they would journey past the ruins of Isengard and through the Gap of Rohan towards Rivendell before reaching The Shire once again.

Gimli claimed he would journey back to the Blue Mountains, seeking home like the rest of us.

This didn't mean that our plans to travel together to the Glittering Caves and Fangorn were over, far from it. Me, Legolas and Gimli vowed that as soon as order had been restored to all Kingdoms and the world was at peace again, we would meet again and continue our travels.

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