New Life.

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I awoke just like I had done these many years, in Legolas' strong arms around me. I was cuddled up in our bed, with my head resting on his bare shear which was rhythmically moving up and down silently. I could almost hear his soft heartbeat.

We didn't have any meeting or training sessions with the royal guard that day so I yawned and pulled the blankets up around us and snuggled back into him. It was so rare we had no duties so I wanted to take full advantage of this chance to sleep in.

Being careful not to wake him, I snuggled closer and burried my hand in the crook of his neck, sighing contently as I closed my eyes again. I left Legolas stir a little bit at the movement but he just held me closer and fell back asleep.

After all, he probably was tired considering the night before. It's just one of the many benefits of 'elf stamina' if you catch my drift.

It must have been mid afternoon - yes, we did sleep all day - when I awoke fully.

My eyes flew open as I felt my stomach jolt.

Groaning, I rolled away from Legolas, accidentally elbowing him in the chest as I clutched at my stomach.

"Ow!" He moaned as he rubbed his eyes and began to stretch his limbs until he looked at me, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," I said, dismissing the pain which was slowly ebbing away, "Probably just ate too much yesterday, I knew I shouldn't have eaten so much of that chicken..."

It was partially the truth. I had eaten far to much the day before, more than usual anyways. For some reason, I was just hungry.

But then again, I had never heard of an elf getting indigestion before. Well, whatever it was, the pain was gone as quickly as it had happened so I thought it was probably just nothing.

"What time is it anyways?" Legolas yawned as he sat himself up, the blankets falling off his exposed figure.

"Mid afternoon," I replied, sitting up as well, pulling the blankets around me.

"What? Why didn't you wake me?" Legolas huffed.

"We didn't exactly have plans for today anyways," I shrugged, "And besides, you nearly had a hissy fit last time I woke you up when you were sleeping deeply."

"Point taken," he admitted, chuckling softly at the memory, "Why don't we just walk by the pavilion for a bit, I need to stretch my legs after so much sleep."

"Do we have to?" I whined, "I'm not going through the effort of getting dressed just to go for a short walk."

"Sometimes I wonder, did I marry an adventurous elf or a lazy dwarf?" He scoffed.

"You married both." I chuckled, flopping back on the bed.

"Fine, if you don't want to go for a walk, what about going down to the kitchens for some food?" He mused.

My head perked up at the mention food.

"Sure," I sighed, knowing Legolas knew he could always persuade me to get up if he offered me something to eat.

He dressed and brushed his hair while I slipped on some comfortable trousers and a tunic.

Making our way down to the kitchens, I suddenly found myself extremely hungry. That wasn't so out of the ordinary, after all, I had slept in most of the day, who wouldn't be a little bit peckish. But then again, I was an elf and if necessary, we could go weeks without food though I chose not to do so.

The kitchen staff were quite used to me asking for meals with more meat in them. They gladly served food for me and Legolas which I was greatfull for.

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