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^^^I got bored so I drew a rough sketch of Sapphire's clothes for the feast. Don't judge my drawing skills, I did this in like a minute so it's not the best but it's just a rough sketch of what she looks like for the celebration.^^^

When at last we saw Edoras, the women and children had already returned. The Rohirrim soldiers were reunited with their families. Those that had lost loved ones were still greatfull for their sacrifice in keeping them safe.

It was tradition in most kingdoms to celebrate after a great victorious battle and so I wasn't surprised when King Théoden told us there was to be feast that night in the Golden Hall.

I was just looking forward to washing up and getting into some fresh clothes.

Because there wasn't many rooms in the Golden Hall of Edoras, Éowyn let me share her room so I wouldn't have to bunk with the men who were packed into multiple side rooms.

I was greatfull as some of the servants heated a bath for me. They offered me some exotic herbs and perfumes for my bath which I ended up giving into to.

I don't usually care for feminine things like that but I do have my feminine moments though they are few and far between. When I do give in, I like to indulge myself and I had to admit, the scented bath was brilliant on my joints and it made my white hair curl slightly at the edges.

Éowyn had told me I was welcome to take anything from her wardrobe. She was busy helping and preparing for the feast so I was left on my own.

As I searched her wardrobe for appropriate clothes I was taken aback by the abundance of dresses and the lack of shirts and trousers. I knew it wasn't her fault she didn't have those things because she was a shieldmaiden of Rohan, she had standards to meet.

I was stuck in a predicament. Wear my bloodstained ranger gear which the servants hadn't had a chance to clean, or wear one of Éowyn's dresses.

I wasn't opposed to dresses entirely, I would be forced to wear one on special occasions. I was just used to loose riding gear, not tight fitting dresses.

In the end, I decided there was no use in arguing. I just hoped none of the men would think less of me if they saw my feminine side. I was likely to get hammered anyways so I likely wouldn't notice.

I sorted through her wardrobe one last time before I found something which didn't seem too bad.

It was black - just like my ranger gear so that was a plus - and was looser than the other dresses. It was a bit low cut for my taste but that couldn't be helped. It was quite a simple dress which came up to my knees and had long sleeves. I pulled on a set of black leggings under the dress so I wasn't entirely without my dignity. To cover up some of my neck, I draped my black scarf around my neck (my sapphire necklace now visible) and down my back.

Just for good measure, I took one of my daggers and strapped it to my thigh so it was out of sight but accessible should I need to remind someone that my eyes were on my face, not my chest.

I decided to braid small sections of my hair so I had small braids in my white hair which was now slightly curly.

I hoped the others wouldn't taunt me for my transformation. I knew they wouldn't because I was pretty sure we all had a mutual respect for each other.

I heard a knock at the door. I sighed heavily as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was at least presentable which was more than you could say fro me at any other given time.

I opened the door gingerly and I was greeted by Legolas who wasn't wearing his usual green tunic, just a simple silver one.

He looked momentarily confused at my appearance and maybe a little bit embarrassed. I tried not to chuckle as I realised he must have thought I was someone else and he had knocked at the wrong door.

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