Kisses and Candlelight.

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Smut. Don't like don't read.

The whole day was spent in the ballroom, feasting, drinking and dancing. I was in much better spirits than that morning so I could barley contain my smile as the afternoon progressed. Usually I didn't like being the center of attention, or being dressed up, or being at parties in general, but I was too overjoyed to feel that way.

I danced so much by the end of the night that my feet were begining to sore which is quite a feat since us elves could probably run continuously for weeks without tiring.

I danced with Legolas, obviously, but I also couldn't help but dance with the rest of the fellowship. Aragorn chuckled as he whisked me away from Legolas to steal me for a dance. I accepted it gladly, laughing and jesting with him before Gimli decided he didn't want to be left out.

I hand to lean down to dance with the dwarf but I didn't care, my brother deserved a dance or two with me. After all, this was probably a stop on our adventures, at least for the foreseeable future, so I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them.

It wasn't until the late afternoon did guests start to bring forth wedding presents. Aragorn had gifted me and Legolas with some new weapons, a jeweled dagger for me and and elvish sword from Rivendell. Suffice to say, I was rearing to see these weapons in action but it would be quite a terrible start to being a royal if I 'acidentally' threw a dagger at my new husband.

Husband... That word was new to me, completely new. It would probably take me years before that word could roll off my tongue without it being off-putting.

Gimli had not so subtlety gotten us some little training weapons like axes and bows, all of which were supposed to be for little kids. I had laughed it off initially but as much as his jest was funny, I doubted those would come in handy anytime soon, being a mother wasn't something I wanted to become just yet.

Éowyn had made me some studded leather gauntlets which she herself had embroidered with leaves and sapphires. Éomer had brought us two white stallions which were currently being looked after at the stables.

Merry and Pippin were the last to walk up to us. They both carried a small barrel of ale which they had brought with them from The Shire, the kind I had tasted when drinking with them at The Green Dragon and told them was my favourite.

"Sam also wanted to give you this," Pippin said as he handed over a rather large leather bound book which looked a little worse for wear, "All the rest of us have added to it, only you and Legolas are yet to write in it."

I opened it curiously, looking at the first page.

"There and Back Again, a Hobbit's tale by Bilbo Baggins. And The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins." I smiled, looking at the name with sadness before I looked at the other titles which were written under it in much smaller writing.

Indeed, everyone seemed to have written in the book from the fellowship. Aragorn, Gimli, Merry and Pippin. I could see that more pages had been added to the book, no doubt because all of us had wanted to add something to this account.

"Why would you leave this with us?" I asked, running my hands down the delicate pages.

"You and Legolas have yet to write anything in the book and since you elves live forever, we thought you might want to keep it, so no one will ever forget it so long as you live," Pippin explained happily.

Thanking them greatfully, I vowed to read and write in it as soon as I found the time.

The rest of the evening flew by and before we knew it, some of the guests were retiring to their rooms for the night. The rest of the guests were either drunk or too fixated on their own conversations to see me and Legolas slip away from the hall.

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