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The first thing I felt was a pounding in my head. Then as I slowly regained consciousness, all my other limbs throbbed. I was vaguely aware of the soft mattress underneath me, the warm sheets over me and something soft in my hand.

I have no idea how long it took me to finally open my eyes but when I did, I had to blink several times before I could start to see anything. I couldn't see much, my head was still pounding.

I was laid in a bed in a royalty furnished room. Judging from the white stone walls, I guessed I was in the castle of Minas Tirith.

I looked to my side and saw Legolas. He was haunched over in the chair, his blonde hair shielding his eyes from me. My hand was in his and he was gently running his thumb over the back of my hand absently.

He seemed not to notice that I was awake so I stretched my lips into a smirk and decided to get a quick quip in while I could.

"It's not proper to watch a Lady when she is sleeping..." I said quietly, my voice hoarse and my chuckle a little half asked.

Legolas' head quirked up and his eyes immediately fell on me. He let out a sigh of relief as he smiled at me. My vision was still a little blurred from my dizzy head but I could have sworn his eyes were a little red, as though he was crying.

"You gave us a good scare," Legolas said, almost as if he was scolding me, "You scared me."

"I like to think I'm always scaring you, you'll have to be more specific," I huffed in amusement.

"I saw you fall from that Oliphant and slump to the floor..." He trailed off softly, no laughter in his voice, "I thought you were dead."

"But I'm not," I smiled, "I just hit my head."

"Don't do that again." He said sternly, making me raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Do what?" I asked, truly confused as I sat up slightly in bed so I was eye level with Legolas' sore eyes.

"Just don't scare me like that again," he sighed, looking away as he gave my hand a little squeeze.

"Have you been crying?" I asked, both curious and shocked.

"Yes," he openly admitted with a weak smile which was quite a surprise, "I thought you were dead, it's not an overreaction."

I couldn't help but think about what Éowyn had said before, about love. I had ignored my thoughts then before we were riding to war, but now I was face to face with Legolas, the questions were thrown up in the air again.

I didn't know what love was but if this was it, then Éowyn was right.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked, quickly changing the subject so I didn't have to confront my feelings so soon, especially with my headache.

"Éowyn is in the infirmary ward with Aragorn. She was struck by a Nazgûl and is near death, Aragorn is trying to heal her now." Legolas explained, "Gimli, Gandalf and the others are scouring the battlefield for survivors."

"Why aren't you out there with them?" I asked, though I had a feeling I knew the answer.

"Well, I um," Legolas looked away with an embarrassed smile as his cheeks flushed, "I didn't want to leave your side..."

I felt my own cheeks heat up at his reply. He hadn't left my side?

"Oh, before I forget," He said, reaching into his tunic and taking out my sapphire necklace, "I have something that belongs to you..."

He held it up to me, a smiled forming on his lips again.

"I brought it back to you in one piece, just like I promised," he chuckled.

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