36 | The Love That Bounds Them Together|

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"Now let me go I have to stir the food."

"No, absolutely not. You're not going to cook because we are going out."

"But Soh I already started to cook, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Sanyukta took up the closest thing she could get her finger on, the roll pin.

"Sani put the rolling pin down like a nice little girl," Soham told as he jumped off the counter, backing slowly towards the door of the kitchen. "S-Sanyukta please put it down."

"You made me waste all of my time to chop up the vegetables, defrost the chicken and make juice for us. I could have used that time to cuddle with you but instead I started to make lunch for the both of us and now you are telling me we are going out.

Today I am definitely cook you."

She ran after him with the rolling pin, ready to beat him up, while Soham threw pillows as he ran away from her.

"You can't escape me Soh."

"Sanyukta I won't do something like this again, I promise," he shouted hiding behind the bookshelf.

"Good, now you are talking like a big boy." She smiled and lowered her hand with the rolling pin and walked back to the kitchen. "We're leaving in 10 minutes."

He sighed in relief that she didn't beat him to pulp and went upstairs to change.
"So where are we going for lunch?"

"Actually we are going somewhere special first and then we are going for lunch."

"Is this another one of your pranks because the last time when you said we are going somewhere special I had to stay in a finger brace for three weeks."

Sanyukta folded her arms across her chest and slowly turned to look at him, who was now biting his lip.

"I have apologized for that a billion times. I didn't know you were terribly terrified of horses. Forgive your Soh bear na."

His pouting face melted her heart making her give in. "Fine, but the next time I am going to beat you up with that rolling pin."

Soham chuckled and turned the car, now entering into the police station.

"Police Station? Why are we here?" Sanyukta asked in curiosity.

"Today I want to start fresh with you and myself, but before that I want to end the thing that has been holding me back."

Soham got out of the car feeling pride rush through his body, confidence boldly showing in his eyes.

"Let's go sweetheart."

He held his head up high taking his wife's hand into his with a wide smile on his face.

He never felt this way before. He never felt so proud of himself, so confident in himself but after Sanyukta came into his life and taught him how to stand up for himself and be a man, he never forgot that life lesson and worked on himself.

As entered the police station, he felt nervousness slightly trying to fight its way into him but nevertheless he still held his head up high.

"I would like to meet Mr. and Mrs. Verma," he said to the inspector who was siting before him.

Sanyukta turned her head to face him in shock, wanting to know why would he want to meet the people who gave him pain for 27 years.

"Soham are you sure about this? Why would you-"

"I told you already Sanyukta. I want to start fresh with you and myself and in order to do this I need to finish the things which was holding me back. It's them. They are what is holding me back.

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