07 |The Wedding Bells That Ring|

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2 Weeks Later

Soham sat in his room staring at his reflection in the mirror before him.

Looking at the man in front of him, he felt like he didn't know him anymore.

His parents kept forcing him to do whatever they say and he kept on doing them no matter how many times he told himself wasn't going to.

He was dressed up in a gold sherwani with red leggings and white shoes, getting ready to get married, against his will.

He told his parents over and over that he didn't want to marry and that he never will but them being them, they ignored him and there he was now.

Sitting in his room waiting for his dad to call him to go and sit at the mandap to wait on his bride.


The same woman whom he met two weeks ago he was going to marry her.

He wondered why Sanyukta would say yes to marry a man she just met two weeks ago. It puzzled him but whatever the reason may be he didn't want all this.

He want didn't this marriage. It enraged him to the point where he wanted to scream out loud that he didn't want it.

But what can he do but sit and endure everything. Speaking up against his parents would bring his downfall and didn't want that.

All he wanted was love.

All he wanted was at least 5 minutes of love showered on him by his parents but he knew that would never happen and he just had to continue dreaming.

"Get your ass up and go and sit at the mandap," his dad spoke, standing at the door of his room braking his chain of thoughts.

"Dad please, just listen to-"

"Shut up Soham and get your ass down there, NOW! You are marrying that girl whether you like it or not or else I pretty well know what to do with filth like you."

Hearing his father's harsh words he sighed, trying to hold back the tears which wanted to flow down his cheeks.

'If only she had said no," he thought, walking to the door turning around to take a last look at 'his' which was going to be 'their' room after a few hours.

He sat at the mandap just like how he was told and looked around at all the people who were busy waiting for the wedding to start.

Reporters were videoing and taking pictures of him and the simple decor of the main hall which was beautifully decorated with white and red roses.

'They forced him to marry and they didn't even have the consideration to go all out for him'.

But why would they though?

Did they care about him to spend their 'precious' money on him? No.

If it was Aisha's wedding then everything would have been extremely different.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes landed on Sanyukta who was walking down the stairs alongside her father and one of her cousins.

Soham turned his head, following everyone's gaze until his eyes landed on Sanyukta.

The red lehenga hugged her body a bit and she held her white veil as she smiled walking down the stairs towards the mandap.

Seeing her face he knew that she wasn't against this marriage which infuriated him a bit.

She only knew him for two weeks and they have met only once, excluding their regular meeting in the hospital, so why would she say yes?

She sat down beside of him and took a quick glance before turning her head away.

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