06 |The Gestures That Bring Smiles|

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Soham walked into his cabin after the hour and a half long meeting held by Mr. Choudary.

He was a bit upset with the certain decisions made by him but it was to benefit both companies so he decided to go with them. 

He sat down on his white leather chair around his black desk, rubbing his temples as his headache was getting unbearable.

Looking down on his desk, he noticed the file he asked for earlier was not on his it.

"Prakash!" he yelled, calling his peon into his cabin.

"Y-Yes sir?" Fear clenched his body seeing his boss' furious glare land on him as he entered his cabin.

"Go and call Zain now!"

"Y-Yes sir." Leaving quickly, he gulped and prayed for the man whom was either going to loose his job or his life.

His secretary knocked on the door of his cabin waiting for him to allow her to come in.

"Come in," he said coldly, typing on his laptop preparing the presentation for his next staff meeting.

"Sir here is the number for-" before she could finish another knock on his door interrupted her.

"S-Sir, may I come in?" Zain stuttered, trembling with fear on the other side of the door.

"Come in Zain," Soham told darkly and his secretary knew something was cooking up in his mind and it wasn't good.

He slowly opened the door and stepped inside hanging his head down to avoid the glare of Soham.

"Look at me," he ordered and Zain lifted his head up to meet his 'not so satisfied' face. "Where is the file I asked you for Zain?"

He gulped and stayed quiet not knowing what to tell him about the file he wasn't finished preparing. 

"Answer me!" he roared making both him and his secretary flinch.

"S-Sir I-"

"Stop the stammering."

"I'm not finished with it as yet."

Soham chuckled as he got up off of his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. Fury was rushing through his veins by his employee's statement and the outcome of his actions wasn't going to be good.

"What did you say?" he asked, leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest and his raging glare piercing the eyes of the scared man in front of him.

Zain lowered his head knowing that his boss wasn't going spare him.

"You asked for extra time after I gave you an extension three and a half weeks ago, I said nothing and gave you that. You asked for money for your pregnant wife on multiple occasions, I gave you that, but one simple file I asked you to prepare for me and you can't give me that. This isn't even the first time you have done this, Zain. I guess I was the fool for allowing you to continue with this behavior " Soham walked up to him and brushed his shoulders off and fixed his tie.

"Pack your things and get out of my office," he said without hesitation. 

"But sir-"

"I said, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!" he yelled. "Bhavna, hand me a termination letter."

"Sir please don't do this. My family is in need of money and where am I going to find a job at such short notice? Please sir," Zain begged but Soham ignored him.

Soham took the letter from Bhavna and handed it to him.

"Sir please."

"Get out Zain," saying that he sat back down on his chair and continued to prepare his presentation.

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