12 |The Little Things That Doesn't Go Unseen|

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Sanyukta woke up with sweat dripping from her chin and the memories of her nightmare playing over and over in her mind.

It was like that every night.

Ever since the accident, she has been getting nightmares about her mom dying in front of her.

Wiping the sweat off of her face, she sighed and shifted her gaze to her phone, which was sitting on the nightstand.

She then noticed the mother's day card she made, lying beside her phone.

'This was in my suitcase, how did it get here?' she thought, taking it up.

It felt a bit sticky, as if someone added glue on it. Curiously, Sanyukta opened the card only to find pictures of her and her mom neatly pasted on each page under the small quotes she wrote.

Something wasn't right. Neither did she take out the card nor was she finished making it. It was puzzling to her but at least the card was finished and she just had to wait for mother's day.

She placed the card back on the night stand and checked her phone for the time.

"Well, I have an hour to spare," she said to herself, getting lazily out of bed, yawning.

'Hold on a minute, after Soham left yesterday, you came back here and wore the mangalsutra and he met you yesterday and said nothing. Is he bipolar or something?' her mind told, making her wonder.

After freshening up, she stood in front of the mirror, hesitating to wear her mangalsutra.

What if this time he yells at her?

Pushing her thoughts aside, she wore it anyway, ready to face whatever yelling she might get.

Sanyukta walked to his room to check on him as usual but as she opened the door it bumped against something, or most likely someone.

She peeped inside only to see Soham sleeping on the floor, curled up like a baby.

She sighed, wondering why was he doing this to himself and if doing this doesn't hurt him.

She slipped through the small space the door provided and stepped over him, going inside.

Sanyukta kneeled down to his level and stared at his innocent, peaceful face which hid many emotions behind it.

It was the first time after they get married she was seeing him sleep so peacefully even though he was on the floor.

Her eyes scanned his room, looking on the blank white walls and black curtains and furniture but her eyes stopped on the glue stick which was on his nightstand.

Glue stick? So does that mean he was the one who finished the mother's day card for her?

Pushing that aside until he wakes up, she tried to help him up despite knowing that he was wasn't light and wasn't easy to lift up for her not so strong arms.

Soham slowly opened his eyes, feeling himself being moved by a pair of arms which was struggling badly.

His eyes met hers, with shock and nervousness moving around in them. He felt her arms around his torso, gripped tightly and his body close to hers.

"What are you going?" he asked.

"Trying to help you up." She looked on him with an awkward smile, contemplating with herself on whether or not she should let him go or not.

Noticing that he was on the ground, he stood up, making her automatically remove her hands.

"You fell asleep there last night," she told broking the awkward silence between them.

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