05 |The Wounds That Heal|

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Soham's POV

I haven't laughed like that in years. I knew that her seeing me shirtless did something to her causing her to fall but I just couldn't hold it in.

I had to laugh.

For the few minutes I laughed, I actually felt something other than pain, hurt and sadness.

That feeling felt unknown to me. It felt weird and unusual, but I know I won't be getting that feeling again courtesy of my life.

I knew once my parents found out that reporters were at the hospital and started questioning their absence, they had to come to try to clear their names and prevent any questions that could spoil their reputation.

I had expectations of them coming and honestly, it didn't even bother me knowing that they didn't care enough to see if I am okay or not.

I have gotten used it.

My grandfather practically raised me and made me a man. He taught me about life and how hard it will be.

He was the man who played the parent role in my life and when he died, it affected me the most.

I loved him to my soul and when he left me to fight with the world and my painful life on my own I was broken, and on top of the pain I was already receiving from me being the unwanted child of my parents.

But he told me one thing before he died, 'when he dies he wants me to know that pain can break me but one day I will get my deserved happiness and that is the day when I will break pain back.'

My deserved happiness is far from my reach and I know that.

Happiness wasn't made for me and that was what I was told and now I know that it was the truth.

I had much better work to do than lay around in a hospital bed surrounded by the smell of medicines.

I know I was forced into business but have gotten so used to it now that I had nothing else better to attend to.

I was told that I had a meeting with Mr. Choudary today and I know that whenever he calls a meeting it was urgent.

I slowly got up out of the bed, taking the IV out of my vein on my hand and walked towards the door.

"Mr. Verma where are going and what are you doing out of bed?" the nurse asked as she walked inside.

"Where is the doctor?" I asked getting to the point.

"She is on her break right now, please lay back down on the bed."

"I want to speak to the doctor go and get her."

"Sir please try to under-"

"Please, just get the doctor." I pleaded.

She nodded her head and left the ward while I went back and sat on the bed, waiting for her to come back.

A few minutes later, I saw her walking back in with miss 'I haven't seen a shirtless guy before.'

"What is it Mr. Verma that you had to see me so urgently?" she asked calmly.

"I want to be discharged."

"But you haven't recovered fully yet," she said in astonishment by statement.

"I know, but I want to leave. Please can you get the discharge papers so I can sign them." I requested politely.

"Look Mr. Verma I-" before she could finish, a nurse cracked the door open.

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