15 |The Title That Brings Them Closer|

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Sanyukta's POV

I sat on my bed in deep thought, sniffling repeatedly due to my runny nose.

It was mother's day, the day I was waiting for but deep down, I feared it the most.

Every night on this day, all the memories of my mom would play over in my head and the one memory I want to forget, holds my heart and pierce my mind.

I was holding the card in my hand, rubbing my finger over her picture with her smiling face flashing in front of me.

I really miss her. I miss how she braids my hair, how she plays with me, how she watches each and every one of my cartoons with me.

I know I was only 4 when I lost her but her memories were still fresh in my mind.

I don't remember much though but what I remember, was special.

The sad thing was that I lost her on this day, mother's day. The day when children gift their mothers gifts and shower their love on her.

I only wish we didn't leave the house that day. If we didn't leave to go to the restaurant then maybe she would be alive today, with me.

If we didn't go we wouldn't have met with a car accident and she wouldn't have died. Maybe it was my fault.

If I hadn't suggested to go to her favourite restaurant then we wouldn't have to left the house and she would have been alive, but I was child.

I was ignorant of what was going to happen.

I felt a tear escape my eye and looking down I saw it fall on the card, on her picture.

"You wouldn't understand how much I miss you. I thought this year would be different but it's not. It's the same every year. Me crying all day curling up in bed and doing nothing but thinking of you."

I caressed her picture with a small smile, bringing the card up to my face to kiss her picture.

"I made you this card for the first time after you died. I couldn't muster up the courage before but this year I tried and here it is, I hope you like it."

"How are you feeling now?" I heard him ask, as he stood at the door with his arms folded across his chest.

It has been 5 and a half hours since the outburst in the kitchen and ever since then he has been a bit distant.

It was new to me that he initiated a conversation, it felt quite weird but good at the same time.

"Well I still feel sick but not as much how I was feeling yesterday," I told.

"Did you take your medicines?"

He walked into my room and stopped at the small bin beside the dresser which wasn't too far away from the door.

"Yeah a few minutes ago. Actually I'm not feeling good so-"

"Missing aunty aren't you?" Soham asked, raising his eye brow at me.

I chuckled a bit and turned my head to look at the photo frame which sat on my nightstand, her picture smiling at me.

"Very much. I lost her on mother's day," I said softly, looking away to stare at the card once again.

"I can drive you to your dad's house. He called me and said that he wants you to put your card in front of her urn."

My head shot up with a wide smile on my face, giving away my answer.

I haven't met my dad in a while since I was so business with work. We would both call each other very often when we had the time and spend hours talking to each other.

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