03 |The Pain That Stings|

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The Next Day

"I'm not hungry, really. I just don't want to eat anything," Soham said softly for the millionth time. Neither did he have the strength or vigor to continue the back and forth with nurse, all he wanted was to be alone for a while.

"Sir you have to-"

"You have to eat or else how will you get energy?" Sanyukta walked inside the ward they shifted him in with her clipboard in her hand. "Shanti you go, I will feed him."

Sanyukta smiled at the nurse who walked out of the ward taking the medicine tray with her and she turned her to face Soham. "I am just like you."

Raising his eye brow at her, he folded his arms across his chest despite the pain running through his veins.

"You are totally not like me." Scanning her from head to toe trying not to look like a pervert, he kept his face straight and blank, showing no expressions at all. "Definitely not like me."

Sanyukta sat on the little space on his bed with the plate of food in her hands, ready to feed him.

"Just like you even I don't want to eat anything at times but I am forced to eat for my own benefit and health," she told, holding the spoon up to his mouth. "My mom past away when I was four and ever since I have been a mess and I still am. I hardly eat and being a doctor I know I should but-" Stopping herself from going down that road, she pushed the spoon closer to his mouth ignoring his blank expressions.

"Seriously, I'm not hungry. Please understand."

"I make sure all my patients are healthy and you eating is apart of that."

Filling the spoon up with more food, she held it back up to his mouth, waiting for him to eat it.

Sighing, he unwilling ate the food being given to him and a small smile grew on her face.

"I'm sorry to say but your parents haven't come to meet you as yet. It was one of your employees I spoke to after the operation," she spoke softly, breaking the few seconds of silence between them.

Chuckling, he looked on himself wrapped in bandages which were boldly sitting on his wrist, arms and legs.

He knew that already and it didn't bother him. Him being alone in the hospital with death almost taking his hand was better than his parents being with him showering their fake love on him.

It pained him everytime but him being hurt didn't matter to them. As long as their precious business was making them money and their daughter bossing them around was with them, he could have been dead for all they care.

Sanyukta looked on him in confusion, wondering why would he be chuckling after she said that.

"I could have met with the biggest car accident in the world or get shot several times, they wouldn't have come anyways."

Hearing his bitter words made her heart clench.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said apologetically.

Seeing that the food finished, she placed the spoon in the plate and left the ward leaving a broken man lying on the hospital bed.
"Soham my son, how are you? I'm sorry we didn't get to meet you yesterday, our flight got delayed," his mother lied with fake tears brimming in her eyes.

Saying nothing, he looked away from the two people he took as his parents and watched as reporters fought with hospital authority outside.

"He will be fine Mr and Mrs Verma, the wounds on his arms and legs will heal in time and his sprained wrist with take 2 and half weeks to heal," the nurse said, smiling at them.

"Where is the doctor, I want to thank him or her personally for saving our beloved son," his dad spoke, grinning at the nurse.

"Hold on come with me."

Walking out the ward and into the hall with Mr. Verma behind of her, she searched through the thick crowd of reporters for Sanyukta.

"There she is sir, with the red stethoscope her neck." The nurse pointed on Sanyukta who was busy conversing with another doctor.

Not being able to see her face properly, he nodded and went back inside to speak to his wife.

"We are spending to much time in this pit hole. We have a meeting with Shukla about Mrs. Patel finally coming on board for our future project together," he whispered in her ear.

"Let's go. Seeing his face this early in the morning is ruining my mood."

"Uh, tell the doctor we will meet her a next time, right now we have to go. Bye Soham beta." Saying that he took his wife's hand and left the ward.

"Mr. Randhir Verma, what do you have to say about your son's accident?"

"Mrs. Siya Verma, how is your son's condition and will he be able to handle SV Enterprise's new business deal with Mr. Nitin Choudary?"

Soham heard the reporters asking his parents question after question and every answer they gave was a lie.

They didn't come here to know whether he was okay or not. They only came here so that their image won't get spoilt and they don't get questioned.

It sickened him to be around them, around their fake love and concern but no matter where he goes, he gets trapped with their painful memories.

He owned his own house but the empty space was filled with the pain they gave him.

All he was waiting for was the right moment to leave their house in which he was temporarily staying at due to some changes being made to his.

He earned everything he owned with his hard work, blood and sweat but the pain of them not helping him when he needed them the most hurt him.

His grandfather was right, pain haunts you until you can't get rid of it and until then, it will continue stinging until it breaks you.

His pain did break him and it stung him all his life but his pain couldn't go away and he knew it would die with him the day he takes his final breath.

Hi guys I hope you liked this part. Remember to vote and comment.😉


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