04 |The Laughter That Sooths|

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3 Hours Later

Sanyukta's POV

I know I am supposed to be on my break right now but I couldn't stop myself from going to attend to him.

Ishaan always says that I work myself too much and that because of that I get stressed and have no time to eat and get some time to myself.

But what can I do?

I have to work myself to hide my pain. I have to work myself to try to forget all of the images of my dead mother from playing over in my head and despite that it didn't work.

Dr. Rana always says that by doing all of this isn't good for me a lot all but I have grown habitual to doing it.

I'm still broken on the inside and being me I put a smile on my face to hide my pain from the outside world.

I walked into his ward and found him sleeping peacefully, covered with the white bedsheets.

I turned to leave but his rough voice stopped me.

"Are you here to ask me to eat again?"

Turning to face him again, I shook my head and walked over to him.

"I came to change the bandage on your chest."

"I'm fine actually."

"The bandage needs to be changed every 3 hours so stop being stubborn and unbutton your shirt," I said sternly, or at least I tried.

"It hasn't been three hours yet though," he said trying to distract me.

"It has been so please just unbutton your shirt so I can do my job." I started to get frustrated as I just wanted to get the job done with. "You aren't a people person are you?"

"Why are you so anxious for me to unbutton my shirt?" he asked, smirking at me with his eye brow raised.

"To change your wounds Sherlock Homes."

I made sure to answer quickly so that he won't get a different idea and doubt my intentions.

This situation was awkward already, I didn't want to make it even more awkward hesitating to answer that question making him think differently about me.

The playful smirk with lingered on his face vanished quickly and he went back to his expressionless, blank face and sat up on the bed slowly.

One by one he unbutton the buttons of his shirt and I prepared the things I needed to change the bandage.

He was finally shirtless and my eyes were stuck on his broad, defined chest and 6 pack abs proudly glowing in my face.

I took up the first aid kit which was on the table beside of the bed and placed it on my leg.

My hands brushed against his chest as I took off the old bandage slowly so that it wouldn't sting that much.

I took out the Peroxide and placed the cotton on top of the lid to absorb the liquid.

"This might hurt," I spoke but he was busy ignoring me.

I placed it on his wound and shockingly he didn't flinch nor wince.

Didn't he feel the stinging sensation?

I continued to apply the Peroxide on his wound until I knew it was enough.

Placing the wet cotton in the small tray on the table, I took up another one along with the ointment and applied it onto his wounds.

I'm still surprised that he didn't react to the slight sting that the Peroxide caused and began to think whether he was enduring it to not look weak in front of me or he didn't feel pain at all.

Soon after, I placed the new bandage on his wound and shifted my gaze onto the tray of used cottons which were sitting on the table.

"You can button up your shirt now," I spoke again.

I felt him move which meant he heard me and stopped ignoring me like how he was before.

Standing up, I took up the tray to dispose of the cottons, but slipped over the sheet which hung off of his bed and fell face forward on the ground.

I'm a klutz. A big time klutz.

Suddenly, I heard laughter coming from behind of me. I got up and brushed off my clothes, placing the stethoscope around my neck and faced him.

He was laughing, and that too at me but I didn't pay attention to that. For the first time in the few hours that I have met this man he was laughing.

His face was always expressionless and blank, neither did he smile nor grin and seeing him laugh was shocking.

Unknowingly, I too started laughing with him.

He held his stomach as it was hurting him for laughing so hard and a smile grew on my face.

After knowing his parents didn't care for him , I knew his life must be bland, sad and painful. I hope he gets the happiness that he longs for.

At least I know now that he has some feelings left in him.

"I guess my shirtless magic was too much for you," he spoke, as he calmed down his laughter.

My eyes widened in shock after hearing what he said.

Neither seeing him shirtless worked any magic on me nor did it make me fall.

It was an awkward situation but seeing shirtless didn't affect me at all.

'Right. Continue to believe that honey,' my mind mocked, making me roll my eyes.

"I will leave you now, a nurse will come later to give you your medication and food," saying that I quickly exited the ward before I made a fool of myself once again.

I scurried down the halls on my way to the bathroom to wash my hands as I was going to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

My dad threatened me earlier that if didn't eat anything before I finish my shift and come home, he won't open the door for me and I left my spare key.

He was a serious man and he doesn't lie nor play games and I knew he would though he loved so much.

As I walked to the bathroom, all I could think about was him laughing for the first time.

His laughing face played back in my head and I smiled. It felt good to see him laugh after what happened and I hope he does so more often.
End Of POV

Hi guys I hope you liked this part. Remember to vote and comment.😉


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