33 |The Cuteness That She Loves|

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He didn't know what he feeling but on the inside he was burning.

First that man dared to call his WIFE Sani and when she was going to shake hands with him he hugged her instead.

Soham had the urge to go over there and break his bones but for Sanyukta, he tried to stay calm.

Sanyukta pulled away from the hug and sat back down awkwardly, not expecting him to hug her.

"If I made you feel uncomfortable Sani I'm sorry. You know I am a hugger," he told, joining her and her colleagues.

Soham just couldn't take it anymore. He stormed over there drawing Sanyukta and everyone around that table's attention.

"Soham, what are you doing here?" she asked smiling at him.

"You forgot this." He lifted up the lunch box and she bit her tongue.

"Awww so sweet."

"This is what you call true love."

"Your boyfriend is very cute and sweet."

The teasing of her colleagues didn't just make her blush, it made him blush too.

"Excuse me but Soham is not my boyfriend, he is my HUSBAND," she stated, getting up. "And he's mine so keep your eyes on your own man. Let's go Soham."

She grabbed his arm took him to her cabin, with him staring at her cutely like a lovestruck teenager.

"Thanks for carrying my lunch for me," she said, taking the lunch box from him and bringing him out of his lala land.

"I made your favorite, Dal Chawal with some cheese sandwiches for a snack."

"Really! Thank you!"

Sanyukta hugged him tightly, placing a kiss on his cheek send a sudden shock through his body.

He smiled and wrapped his hands around her, closing his eyes feeling relaxed with her in his arms.

"About the bathroom incident this morning, let's just forget that," she whispered causing his eyes to shot open.

He was trying to forget that to avoid himself from blushing and his mind calling him a pervert, which he WASN'T.

"U-Uh yeah, let's forget it."

They broke apart and she went to sit down in her chair. "Sit."

"By the way, why was ypur phone in the bathroom?" she asked out of curiosity, playing with her pen.

"I like to play songs in the bathroom while I shower. It's not a crime," he said.

"I know but it's cute." He looked down and bit his lip, blushing once again.

'I should call a doctor because you have a blushing problem. Everything that she says to you, you start to blush.'

"Because I like everything what she says. Each and every word that comes out of her mouth his beautiful like her," he whispered to himself, not taking his eyes off her.

"I know I am beautiful but hearing it from you is very nice."

Her sudden words made him choke on his saliva.

She heard?

Soham started to curse his mind and himself internally while he looked on Sanyukta awkwardly as she got up off her chair.

"W-Who was that guy who hugged you back there?" he asked trying to change the topic.

"That's Dr. Karthik. He is a surgeon like me. Why, are you jealous?" Sanyukta took up a patient's file and turned to face Soham who was now speechless.

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