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Tonight is the night of the performance. We decide not to show anyone the dance so not even our friends and family have seen it. We do one last rehearsal in the dance studio before heading to the concert where we are going to perform. I can tell Damon is nervous because his movements aren't as carefree as they normally are.

I and Damon leave before everyone else because we need to do a quick rehearsal on the stage to make quick changes to the piece. Once we get it finalize we head off somewhere to get a quick drink before the show starts. We go back to the place the concert is held about fifteen minutes before the concert starts. And needless to say, it's packed.

I got a text from Andrew to meet them by the food stand. When Damon and I get there I see everyone is there all of my family minus Alex of course and all of Damon's family even Hannah, Grant, Noah, and some other football guys are there.

We all head towards their seats because I and Damon are supposed to be backstage. Damon stands in the aisle while I sit on Aaron's lap because I don't feel like standing the whole time. We watch the show for about fifteen minutes then decide to head backstage.

When we get back there Damon pulls me into a hug and says," I'm nervous." I tilt my head to look up at him," why you know the dance by heart at this point." He looks down at me before continuing, "I know I just don't want to let you done and I don't want to ruin this whole thing for you."

" Damon you can't let me down or ruin this whole thing it isn't really about what we do out there it's about all the fun we had making them dance and doing it. I probably wouldn't even be mad if you fell. I would probably just laugh at you than help you up and making sure your ok." A stage director comes to us and says you are on in thirty seconds.

I hear the song stop I stand on my tiptoes and say," you got this just think of it like a football game." And kiss his cheek. I grab his hand and pull him out as our names are called.

(Skip to 3:50 to see the performance)

I know Damon was nervous but as soon as the song started I saw him relax. I almost laugh when he started making funny faces but I held them back. By the time the song was over he looked so relaxed and excited. "I did it and I didn't completely embarrass myself," he says after we laugh about me messing up the handshake. "You did I'm proud of you, thank you for doing this." He just shakes his head and picks me up and twirls me. We thank Noah for the opportunity and head backstage.

We hold hands as we make our way back to where everyone is sitting. They all compliment us and Damon gets teased by a couple of the football guys but he doesn't care and just keeps smiling.

I get pulled into someone's lap and when I look up I see Asher smiling down at me. he tells me how awesome the show was and it guesses all the dancing finally catches up to me because I start to dose off on his lap. I don't think he minds because he guides my head to his shoulder.

I notice an empty seat next to Asher and sit up to see if Damon is still standing and say to him, "There's a seat open down here if you want it." He shimmies his way past all the people sitting in the seats of the row but finally gets to the seat and sits.

I turn in Ashers lap so that way I am facing Damon and place my legs on his lap. "Oh, now I see why you wanted me to come down here to have a personal leg rest." I giggle and turn my face into Asher's shoulder. I drift off to sleep with Damon rubbing up and down my legs softly.

When I wake up I see I am in someone's arms. I can tell it's Asher by the way he smells. It's not a bad smell it's just his natural scent I guess because he used to smell this way when we were kids too. I act like I'm still sleeping because he's so warm and cozy.

We all get into the car and I guess it's all of my brothers because mom and dad never ride in the same car as all of us. I think we scarred them when we were younger. I hear Andrew telling them to be quiet to not wake me up I smirk in Asher's shoulder. I know he felt it and knows I'm awake because he shimmies his shoulder a little bit. I nod against his shoulder and he begins to draw numbers on my leg




I jump up and scream as loud as I can. Andrew was drinking water and spilled it all over him and August was on his phone which he threw up in the air when I screamed. Luckily he caught it so no harm was done. Asher and I start to crack up laughing.

By the time we get home, I see that Noah has texted me it is a video of the dance from all angles it's beautiful. I save it to my phone and send it to Damon. He sends a star-eyed emoji back in response.

I giggle and send one back in response he sends a new message that says, "goodnight Anna," I send a quick goodnight back and post the video on Instagram and TikTok. I hear all my brothers in the hallway and before I know it my door is opened and I am at the bottom of a dog pile.

I groan and I hear my mom in the hallway say, "Boys get off the poor girl can't breathe." Once they all get off Aaron asks if we can have a movie night in my room. I say yes as long as known of them snore. They all agree and we all look at August. He just shyly looks down at the floor.

They all end up arguing about who gets to sleep next to me so they end up doing a rock paper scissors tournament to decide. Eventually, it's over the 2 winners which are August and Asher. I have a king-size bed because we used to have these sleepovers all the time when I was little so mom and dad got me a big bed so we could all sleep in the same bed.

We turn on the school of rock because the boys didn't want to watch a girly movie but it's ok because I love this movie too. I slowly begin to go to sleep when I hear the boys even breathes around me.

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