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This morning I decided to go for a run. I mean how else am I going to eat all day and still have a cheerleader body. I got dressed and head to the kitchen for some food as I head outside putting on my headphones. I notice a moving truck outside."Looks like we have new neighbors," I whisper to myself and I start my morning run

— after run —

When I get back home the truck is gone as I head inside I hear my parents talking in the kitchen. I head in to see mom and dad talking to some people I have never seen before. I over to the counter and grab an apple and take a bit then I go to my mom and dad to say good morning.

"Morning," I say to my mom and dad turn around " Morning sweetie," dad said "Morning Bells where have you been?" mom said " I want on a run," I say with a smile.

"Ok," Mom says then points to the two people they were talking to, "Bells these are new neighbors Gracie and Dylan Anderson.

"Hi," I say looking at the married couple. "Hi," they both say at the same time. "Where are the boys?" I asked mom and dad. "Your brothers are in the game room," mom says. "I love you," I say as I run up the stairs to the game room.

When I get there I run and jump on the boys on the couch I yelled morning as I was jumping. When I land I hear loud exaggerated grunts. I just laugh and take a headcount and notice there are 2 extra heads in the room one belongs to a laughing 5 or 6-year-old and the second belongs to no other than the school's bad boy Damon Anderson who is also laughing.

I look at my brothers with a confused look and I see them trying to hold back a smile then Aaron fails and starts laughing and that makes the rest start. I scowl at all of my brothers.

It's been about 5 minutes and they finally stop laughing, "what is he doing here?" I ask with a little head nod to the side pointing to Damon. The little boy comes running towards me with a smile on his face as he jumps on top of me like I did to my brothers.

He then turns to me and says, "My name is josh." I smile and hug him
Then Damon says, "Do I get a hug?" I look at him with a glare if looks could kill he would be on the floor not breathing. Then Alex finally says, "These are our new neighbors." I give Alex a small nod then I ask, "What are we watching?"

He tells me they are watching Spider-Man since Josh likes Spider-Man. I get off the boys and grab a blanket and sit next to August and lay my head on his shoulder. Next thing I know I feel the couch go down on the other side of me I look up to see Damon sitting next to me I then lay my head back on August and before I know it I end up asleep.

—Damon POV—

We are watching the movie when I notice Bella has fallen asleep. She starts shifting causing us all to look at her Aug then moved her so she was leaning on the couch not even a second later I feel something on my lap.

I look down to see her head on my thigh using it as a pillow. I then look around to notice she is using her brothers as a footrest I let out a snicker causing Aug to look at me than his sister then putting a glare on his face poking Alex next to him. This gets everyone's attention Ash who looks the most pissed gets up picks up his sister and walks out of the room everyone still giving me glares I look at josh and whisper, "Go to mom and dad."

By the time Josh is out of the room, Ash is back next thing I know I am being screamed at by Asher. "You were taking advantage of her, you little shit," he screams. I try not to scream back but I can't I am the bad boy after all. "I am not the one who put her there. She layed there herself, " I scream back at him.

Then he starts charging at me August gets up in front of me and holds off his brother looking him straight in the eyes and says, "don't even think about it." With that, all the brothers get up and leave.

~Bells POV ~
I am woken up by water being poured on my face. I open my eyes to see Aaron and Andrew standing in front of me. I start counting down from five.

"5 "

They start running I chase after them I go to the kitchen and grab a water bottle and when I finally catch up to Aaron. I tackle him a pour half the water bottle on his head then I start to chase Andrew when I get to him I tackle him and pour some of the water on him.

Then when I hear laughing, I turn to see Damon laughing at us. He finally says, "that was the best tackling I have ever seen."

Noticing I still have some water left in the bottle I walk up to him smiling and dump the rest on him I start up the stairs when I hear 3 people running after me so I take off again running straight to the kitchen I see Alex talking to Grace and Dylan I run and hide behind Alex

To see the 3 guys finally come into the kitchen grabbing 1 water bottle each then starting to drink them. Alex then picks me up and puts me in front of him right as Alex does. The boys come over and as soon as my feet hit the ground I have water being poured on my head. Looking around to see everyone laughing beside Grace and Dylan they first they look confused then started laughing.

I put on a pouty lip and puppy dog eyes and turn to Alex he gives 'me the please don't do' this look and by now everyone has stopped laughing.

The Andersons look at me and Alex in confusion but the twins have a smile on their faces. I quickly go to my room and change out of my workout clothes to a comfy outfit.

Walking downstairs with my puppy dog eyes before I could say anything Alex nods his head with a smile I start jumping up and down with joy then grab Alex's hand and dragged him to the dance room the rest of the family following. Me and Alex learned this dance last week and I love it so when me and Alex learn something new we show the family it just so happens the Andersons are here for this one.

(the first one is me and Alex)

After we are finished everyone is clapping and the Andersons all have shocked looks on their faces. I let out a little giggle then I hear one of the songs that I have a solo dance come on knowing that it is my family's favorite. I start dancing again and Alex runs to the side of the room everyone is watching from.

Once everyone was done clapping Damon spoke up and said, "you dance?" I look up at him and say, "yea I am also a cheerleader but you wouldn't know that you're too caught up in your own world."

When I look into his eyes I can tell he's trying to remember me with the cheerleaders then he says, "I can't remember seeing you." Grace finally spoke up and said, "It's time to go, home boys." And on that note, the Andersons left.

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