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There are still about 2 hours left before we get to the hotel it is around 3:20 and I still haven't started on my school work. I sigh and get the work out of my bag, "oh shit!" Damon says blushing pulling his out, "I forgot we had school work."

"Aww, your blushing! Why are you blushing?" I ask, "um because I try to keep my language under control when I'm with you." He says looking down embarrassedly at his papers. I hand him one of my earbuds and pretend like nothing happened.

We are now at the hotel. Noah and August went inside to get our keys while Damon and I get are getting our bags out from under the bus. We get the bags and head inside.

"Alright everyone so I know you normally get to do what you want when we get to the hotel but tonight there is a curfew. After we get dinner later there will be no leaving your rooms." Coach Walters said to the group of cheerleaders and football players. "Dinner will be at 6:30 so you have an hour to freely Rome the halls," ms white says loudly over everyone. There is a chorus of groans from the teenagers.

August hits the second-floor button, "well guys lucky for us we got conjoined rooms again!" Noah says happily," yes I might have done crazy if I was stuck in a room with just you for hours!" Damon says smiling earning a hit from Noah.

As soon as we enter our rooms there a knock on the conjoining door," didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you?" Damon says entering when I open the door." well dang here I was thinking I would get some peace and quiet," I say back sarcastically.

"Peace and quiet, what's peace and quiet?" Noah says entering behind Damon. We all laugh and try to figure out what to do till dinner. "It's a good thing I brought uno than," Noah says going to get it out of his bag.

It's now dinner time and Noah has yet to win a game of Uno," I quit!!" He gets up leaving the room. We all just laugh at him and pick up the cards before heading down to dinner.

The hotel made the food so dinner is in like a meeting room with a buffet on the side. We get our food but there are no free tables so we just sit at a table with Katie, some other cheerleaders, and football guys. I sitting between Damon and August.

Everyone's making conversation but I just stay quiet and eat." I'm going to go get more water do you guys need anything?" I whisper to august and Damon. August hands me his water cup while Damon just shacks his head no.

I head back to my seat with the drinks. I am almost there when suddenly someone sticks out their foot and I trip.

Luck seems to be on my side because Damon reacts quickly catching me and the water didn't spill on anyone. I look behind me to see 2 cheerleaders laughing loudly and I hear someone getting out of their chair." thanks," I quickly tell Damon. Before turning to see what's going on.

Katie is out of her seat in front of the 2 girls," Which one of you did it?" She asks angrily now both of the girls look scared." Ok since neither of you are answering me you are both benched for the game tomorrow and when we get back home I want you to turn in your uniforms, your off the team!" She angrily before going to sit back down. Both girls have surprised looks on their faces and get up to leave.

Damon sets me down to stand on my own and I go to sit back in my chair, but I can't because my chairs all wet. "Here have mine," Damon offers his chair to me." I can't just take your chair from you," I shake my head looking down.

Damon sits back down in his chair and pulls me down to sit on his lap. "Look now your not stealing my chair from me," he says smiling at me. "You know, I could have just pulled another chair over right?" I ask him with a sigh. "I mean you could but it would make me very sad if you did and I might start crying in front of all these people." He says with a fake sniffle and pulling me back to lean against his chest.

"I'll only agree to this if I get to have the rest of you fries," I say looking over at him. he smiles at me and says," well then it looks like they're all yours." He doesn't even think of his answer immediately pulling his plate closer to us. I don't even think he ate any of his fries.

It didn't take long for the conversation to go back to normal. No one even mentions what happened a few minutes ago. I'm not really listening to the conversation until there a pat on my leg and I look up. Everyone is looking at me," I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"I was asking, what is it like to be famous?" A guy on the football team asks. "Oh well, I wouldn't know I'm not famous," I answer him back truthfully. "Not famous my ass you have 1.5 followers on Instagram and some of your posts have like 5 million views," Katie says back at me.

" that's true but I'm still just Annabella Walker. I'm not anyone that special." I say before beginning to eat my fries again. They talk for a few more minutes before Mr. Walter goes to the front to give us more information.

"Alright everyone it's time to head back to your rooms. I will be putting a piece of tape on your doors so I will know if you leave. Tomorrow morning I will knock on your doors when you are allowed to leave your rooms and go to breakfast. Goodnight everyone," he says and starts to gesture to the door.

I stand up and let Damon get up to lead the way. We were at dinner for 2 hours so it is now 8:00. I decide to shower before laying down. August is already In bed when I get out. I still hear the shower running in the other room so either Noah or Damon are in the shower.

I look for a movie on my laptop for both me and august to watch. When I hear the water turn off and the door open I say," goodnight." I hear them say goodnight back so I turn on the movie putting my laptop on August's lap. I snuggle into the bed and before I know it I'm asleep.

I wake up to the sound of August snoring," hmm august please quiet down." I groan out and push him a little bit. It gets him to stop for a little while but not for long. I turn over to look at the alarm clock it's 1:30 in the morning.

Without thinking I stand up and head into Damon and Noah's room. I walk up to Damon and slightly shake his shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asks not opening his eyes." August is snoring too loud I can't sleep," I answer him.

He doesn't ask any more questions just holds open the covers for me to get in. As soon as I'm in the bed Damon lays almost on top of me with his head in between my neck and shoulder. Knowing it's going to take me a few minutes to go back it sleep I slip my hand under Damon's shirt and start to scratch his back up and down. I hear a slight sigh in pleasure come from him and feel a light kiss on my neck not long after that I'm back asleep.

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