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— Damon's POV —

Since she has fallen asleep I shut her laptop because I wasn't watching the movie and put the laptop on the bedside table. I grab my phone from the table after I put the laptop on the table. I see a message from my mom asking how I was doing I answer with I'm good and I'm hanging out with August and Annabella. She told me that was good and good luck at the game tonight.

I look at the time to see that we only have 10 minutes till it was time to go so I wake up Annabella. I say, "Anna it's time to get up." She groans and asks, "Anna?"

I look down at her and say," Yea I wanted to have my own nickname for you but if you don't like it I won't call you that." She shakes her head and says, "No it's fine just no one has called me that before." She gets up and grabs her phone. We all then go to the elevator to leave to eat.

On the bus, Anna is sending snaps to people so I see her making goofy faces. I laugh at her so she comes over into my sit and starts to take photos with me in the background. I start making funny faces in the back of the photos.

Right before she is about to take the last photo I kiss the top of her head and takes the photo at the perfect time. I look at her and say, "send that to me." She looks up at me and says, "I don't have your number." And with that, I grab her phone first adding myself on snap then put my number into my phone.

I send a quick hi from her phone so that way I know I put the number in right. She grabs her phone back and sends me the photo. Without her looking I change the photo to my home and lock screen.

— Annabella's POV —

When the bus gets to Taco Bell everyone rush's out to go get something to eat. I follow August out of the bus and Damon trails behind me. I wait in line I'm not sure what to get. I have read over everything on the menu at least 3 times by now and nothing looks good so I ask Damon, "What should I get?" He looks at me and says, "you have to get a Crunchwrap supreme." After we order we go to get our drinks.

We slide into a booth me and Damon on one side August on the other. August gets up to get our food when the number is called and Damon goes with him since he should come up out right after. When I take a bit of my Crunchwrap I let out and little Sigh. Damon looks at me and says, "good right?" I tell him he was right.

Damon had ordered cinnamon twist which is my favorite thing at Taco Bell so I stole almost all of them. There aren't many cinnamon twists left when Damon smacks my hand away from them and says, "I would like to have some too," I stick my tongue out at him and he copies the face I was making me laugh.

I start with my puppy dog eyes which haven't failed me and Damon hands over the cinnamon twist. He gets up to put our trays back and throw away our trash. I hand him the last twist takes it with a smile, "well at least I get one," he says. I just laugh at him.

It is now 5:00 so everyone decides to go to the football field since the game starts at 7. The football team doesn't need to start warming up till 6 but we go to the field anyway. The football team goes to put their pads on and the cheerleaders stretch.

Damon comes out of the locker room with a ball and lightly tosses it at me. I catch it and see August about 40 yards away. I call his name and throw the ball to him. He smiles as he catches it and throws it back to me. Then I toss the ball back to Damon. He looks at me with shock and says," that was a perfect spiral from 40 yards."

I shake my head with a duh look and say, "yea I can play almost every sport." He still looks at me with shock. He shakes his head a bit and starts to walk towards the middle of the field. "Good luck," I yell after him. He turns around and winks back at me.

By 6 the other team had come out of the locker rooms to warm up. I see 1 of the players staring at me. He comes up to me try's to talk to me. He says his name is Cameron. I tell him to leave me alone but he just stays there.

That's when Damon walks up and shoves Cameron away from me. Cameron laughs and says, " Well hello to you to Damon." Damon looks pissed so I just stay behind him. August jogs up next to us and glares at Cameron. Cameron said," It looks like someone has a little crush," he says while looking straight into Damon's eyes. Damon's jaw clutches and I can finally see why he is the school bad boy. If I didn't know him I would be scared of him.

Cameron starts to walk away and Damon turns towards me. He pulls me into a hug and rests his cheek on the top of my head. I close my eyes and just let him. He kisses the top of my head and runs back to warm-ups.

All the cheerleaders glare at me. I only have one friend on the cheer team which is Katie. She is so sweet and just smiles she is also the captain of the team. The games start and by the end, we are winning 54-7. It's not that the other team was bad it's just that our team is really impressive.

I put all my cheer things in a drawstring bag and start to walk to the bus. I sit in the seat me and August have been sitting on. I plug in my earbuds I rest my head against the back of the seat.

When August and Damon get on it has been about 10 minutes. When he walks past me he pulls me from my seat to sit next to him. It's like 10:00 and I'm drained. He takes out one of my earbuds and puts it into his own ear. And leans his head back and I notice a scratch on the side of his face. He looks at me and says, "don't worry it doesn't hurt my helmet just scratched me," and leans his head back again. Even with everyone cheering he still looks peaceful.

When we get back to the hotel room I let August shower first then shower after him the door that connects Damon and Noah's room to ours. Noah peaks his head through the door and says, "One you don't happen to have an extra toothbrush do you?" Both me and August shake our heads no he sighs and says, "Looks like I'm out of luck. " Damon comes into our room laughing saying, "how do you even forget a toothbrush?"

He sits on mine and August's bed. Noah turns towards him and sticks his middle finger up at him. He falls back on the bad looks up at me and says, "Goodnight." He then gets up and shuts the door between the rooms, but didn't lock it.

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