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There is a football game today and it is an away game since it is a small school football player and cheerleaders go on the same bus it is a 5-hour drive. Our school rents hotel rooms for all of us to stay the night as they are usually rooms with one bed but two people have to share the room. August doesn't like me sharing a room with other people so it is usually me and him and that's fine with me.

I get up take a shower then I have to blow dry it and straighten my hair. I put in a half up half down. I get my cheer uniform on and pack then head down for breakfast. I smell eggs and bacon which is my favorite. I inhale my food then head to Asher's car he is the one that drives everyone to school.

When we arrive it is 8:43 so that means August and I have 7 minutes to get our school work for the day before heading to the gym.

When I get to the gym just in time everyone is already there I go to the bleachers and sit next to aug then the teachers start calling names starting with Damons who has not arrived yet.

Once all the names are called Damon finally decides to join us and for some unknown reason, he sits right next to me then looks at me, and says morning. "So what did you guys get into after I left?" He asks us. I replied with, "practice," and August replies, "reading, how about you?" Damon tells us he was helping unpack.

I notice everyone was starring at us some cheerleaders giving me glares others smiling. Football players looked confused but I am too tired to worry about it.

Teachers say it is time to head to the bus so aug and I go to the bus August goes to one of the back seats and sits down me right beside him. Damon sits in the seat across from us by himself so I decided to put my feet up on his seat. I use August's leg as a pillow and I was out like a light.

I wake up to aug and Damon laughing so I say in a very grumpy morning face, "stop moving." Aug stops moving but Damon is still laughing loudly so I sit up and glare at Damon before I pull out my school bag and began to work on schoolwork. When I finished it put my earbuds in and close my eyes that is until one of my earbuds harshly gets ripped out of my ear.

I look over to see Damon holding my earbud so I grab a water bottle out of my bag. Knowing what I am about to do Damon scoots close to the window that does not help because I slide into his seat and drop some water on his head.

August starts laughing interested in why he is laughing everyone else turns around and starts laughing. Damon shooting a glare at his best friend Noah before shoot one at everyone else.

I turn to go back to my seat but before I can turn I'm pulled into a chest. I sigh and give in and hug him he places a soft kiss on the top of my head and I go back to my seat everyone's eyes wondering between me and Damon.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I hear a chuckle before I put in my earbuds and lay my head on August's shoulder who has been passed out for a while when I wake up I hear Damon say we are 5 minutes away so I sit up.

When I sit up Damon looks at me with an apologetic smile. I look at him with a confused expression. He says," I was going to let you sleep a little longer." I tell him, "no it's fine we only have 5 minutes left." I look over at August and see he is still asleep so I nudge him a couple of times. He packs up his stuff and then we are at the hotel.

Getting off the bus I get off with Aug than Damon right behind him. When I get outside I take a deep breath. I'm glad to be off that bus. August has already gone in to get the key for our room. Damon stays outside with me. I ask him, "what are you doing?" He looks at me and says, "I'm not going to leave you alone when there is a whole football team here."

That makes no sense to me but I guess that's fine

August comes back out and says, "come on I got the room key." So me and Damon go into the hotel. When we walk in Noah walks over hands a key to Damon he thanks him and continues to the elevator with me and August.

In the elevator, August hands me my key. I look at the buttons and look at Damon silently asking what floor. He says," forth." I nod and press the fourth-floor button because it just so happens me and August have that floor too.

When we get there we all go in the same direction. Of course, Damon and Noah's room is right next to ours. I wave at Damon before walking into August's and my room. I let out a sigh when August shuts the door behind me.

He looks at me with 'what's the matter look.' I shake my head and go to lay on the bed. I'm about to fall asleep when I hear a knock but I realize it's not from the front door but from the door that connects our room to Damon's. August gets off his side of the bed and opens the door.

Damon walks in looks at me then August and walks over and sits on the bed next to me. August comes back over and lays back on his side. I look at Damon only to find he is already looking at me.

I lift an eyebrow silently asking what he needs he says, "oh right everyone is going to leave in about an hour to go I eat I was wondering if you guys wondering if you guys were going."

I ask, "where are they going?" He tells us that we are going to a Taco Bell that not far from the hotel.

I then turn to August and ask, "Is that ok with you?" He nods and continues reading his book. Damon asks, " What are you doing until then." I look at his smile and say, " I'm probably going to watch some Netflix on my laptop."

"Do you mind if I stay?" He asks and I tell him that fine with me. I get off the bed and go to my bag to get my laptop. I get back on the bed leaning my back on the bed frame. I scoot close to August so that way Damon can sit beside me.

I ask him, "what do you want to watch?" He tells me he doesn't care what we watch. So I turned on Mulan which is one of my favorite Disney movies. When I turn it on move the laptop to Damon's lap and scoot down lay my head on my pillow. My eyes start to get heavy and before I know it I'm asleep.

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