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"I can't believe she did that," I say as I exit the shower. Damon frowns and asks, "Do you know her?" I go to the sink and look at him through the mirror while finger brushing my hair.

I shyly say, "Yes we used to be best friends than one day in middle school she started hanging out with the popular girls and we just stopped talking." He looks at my reflection and gives me a sympathetic smile. "Anyways lunch break is almost over we should head to class."

Damon takes my hand and leads me to my next class history great, Note the sarcasm. Hannah is with me in this class and I can already see her waiting for me at our table. I turn to Damon and hug him and whisper a quick thank you in his ear. He just nods and kisses my forehead so I turn and enter the classroom.

After I am all done with my classes I head out to the parking lot and wait for the boys. I get a phone call from an unknown number. When I answer a hear a male voice say hello so I say hello back. He asks," is this Annabella walker?"

" um, yea who is this?" I ask politely as I can. " oh right sorry, my name is  Noah Kahan I saw a video of you and your brother dancing on Instagram and was wondering if you would like to come and do a live performance?"

"Oh my gosh I would love to but when would this be?" I ask. "It would be next Saturday," he tells me. "Oh no Alex has a business trip this weekend but I can see If I can find another dance partner and call you with an answer tonight?" I ask hoping he will say yes. "Yea that should be fine speak to you tonight Annabella," And just like that, the phone call ended.

I look up and see all my brothers walking towards me I know they see the biggest smile on my faces because I see all their moods start to pick up. They all start to ask why I'm so happy. I just tell them I'll tell them when we get home.

As soon as we get home I yell for Alex and search for him. I find him in the game room. I run and jump into his arms," GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT! I got a call from a musician and he wants us to dance at one of his shows!" I tell him, "That's great Bella, when is it?" He asks me.

I frown and say, "Well that's the problem it's this Saturday. Do you think you can get off of the business trip this weekend?" He gives me a sad look, " I'm sorry baby I can't but I'm sure someone else would gladly do it with you," he says with a look over at my other brothers.

I know they all would like to help me but I also know that know none of them has a dancing bone in their body. I shake my head and whisper to Alex," but all of them would probably fall face-first on the floor." He chuckles and whispers back," You're right they probably would make a fool of themselves."

Ash looks over at us and says," Hey hey no whispering you two. I will dance with you Bella," I and Alex look at each other and burst out laughing. I think we are both remembering the time Asher went to dance class with us and he fell and knocked down a whole group of people in front of us. He got kicked out for it. As if the rest of the boys also remember the story they burst out laughing as well. Asher just looks at the ground with a glare on his face.

Look at him and say, "It's okay ash I know that none of y'all can dance I'll see if a friend can." He sighs and takes me from Alex and hugs me and says," I was hoping you would say that I would have made a fool out of myself." I giggle and try to get out of his hold, "Well boys I'm going to head to my room and call some people to see if they can help."

When I make it into my room I see Damon through my window playing the guitar?! How did I not know he playing the guitar? I open my window and can hear the song he's playing it's pretty catching.

When it ends I say, "I didn't know you played the guitar." He nearly drops his guitar before he realizes it was just me talking through my window. "What are you doing Anna?"

"Nothing I just saw you when I walked into my room. How long have you been playing?" I tell him leaning my head against the door frame. "I have played the guitar since I was little no one heard me play other than my family though. So what have you been up to Anna?"

"Well since we're already here I might as well ask you," I say. "What is it, Anna?" He asks concerned. " Can you please dance with me?" I ask and He looks surprised at first then says," I guess but it's been a while since I have danced."

"You'll do the dance with me?" I ask surprised he said yes. "Yea of course I will I used to take dance lessons when I was little but then I started football and quit," He tells me putting his guitar back. "Great I mean you can't be any worse than my brother well besides Alex of course," I say excitedly.

"So when do want to start practicing Anna? Because I'm warning you I'm going to be rusty," He warns. "Do you want to come over now to start?" I ask him. "Yea that's fine give me one second," he says as he gets up leaving his room.

About a minute later I hear the doorbell ring. I run down the steps to answer it but Alex gets there first I hear both of them talking before I get to the bottom. When I make my appearance I just grab Damon's hand grad him up to the dance studio.

Once we are in the dance studio I tell him all the details as we stretch. I start by teaching him a dance that I and Alex learned awhile ago. While teaching him the dance I realized he wasn't bad at dancing at all. I decided to film the whole process of the dance to put on Instagram. So over the next week, we work on the dance.

(Pretend Sean and Kaycee are Annabella and Damon)

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