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I wake up to what feels like a heater behind me. I also hear soft snores around me. I open my eyes to see Damon sleeping holding me to his chest. I groan because the sun is right in my eyes and turn around. My head is now on Damon's chest. He readjusts to get comfortable in our new position.

I want to go back to sleep but I can't. The way I'm laying now I can see Grant and Noah cuddling. I smile and start to nudge Damon awake. He sighs and turns so we go back to the way we were before I woke up. " no Damon don't go back to sleep cmon you have to see this," I wispier to him. "Anna go back to sleep," he says in a gravelly morning voice.

"I can't, can you please let go of me I'm hot and have to go peeee," I whine back with a dramatic sigh he lets go of me. I scramble out of bed towards the bathroom when I get out I see Damon watching me while everyone else is asleep. I grab my phone and see it's only 7 am so I take a quick picture of Grant and Noah.

I climb back into bed because I know Damon won't go back to sleep until I'm back in bed. Damon flips us so that I am now facing Grant and Noah while Hannah is behind him. He cuddles into my back and I start to go through my phone to entertain myself until everyone wakes up.

I go to Instagram and see that the video of me and Damon dancing has gotten over 4 million views with almost 2 million likes. I gasp and wake Damon back up, "what is it baby?" He says in a sleepy voice. " look," I quickly show him my phone. His eyes widen a bit and I hear a quiet, "Woah" come out of his mouth.

I switch over to TikTok and check my account. The video that we posted last night had also blown up with 2 million views and 1 million likes. I check the comments and see most people asking if we were the people from Instagram that danced to false confidence. I know Damon is still reading over my shoulder, "what do we do?" I ask him quietly so we don't wake up the others." I don't know what if we did a quick dance today then we see what happens from there?" He says sounding surprised. "Yea that sounds like a good idea. we can start after breakfast and the others can watch or watch a movie in the game room." I turn off my phone and try to go back to sleep it takes me a while but eventually, I do.

The next time I wake up everyone is talking so I decide it is probably time to get up. Grant notices that I'm awake and starts to ask what for breakfast." I don't know Grant just go make some cereal or something," I grumble and sit up. Hannah looks at me with wide eyes and I know what's coming, "have you seen this!" she says looking back down at her phone. I now and Grant looks confused, "seen what?" Grant gets up to see Hannah's phone, "OH MY GOD OUR FRIENDS ARE FAMOUS!" Grant shouts when he sees Hannah's phone. "I wouldn't say we're famous," Damon says laying back down. I nod in agreement. "What are you guys going to do?" Noah asks us.

"We don't really know but I think we are going to make a quick new dance after breakfast and post that, "I say as Damon nods his agreement. "Can we watch you after you make the dance?" Hannah asks and I nod, "yea we will film the video while you guys and my family watch."

We all head down to the kitchen for breakfast. My whole family's there so it's a little cramped. I get out 5 bowls while Grant and Hannah go pick out what cereal to eat. They come back with fruit loops I pour some in each bowl and turn to get the milk." I and Damon are going to make a new dance if y'all want to watch after we're down." I say while I'm pouring the milk.

"Really didn't you just do the false confidence dance?" Dad asks, "yea that kind of why we are making this one. The false confidence one kind of blew up." I answer him." oh my god," Aaron says while looking at his phone." what!?" Asher asks concerned. "It has 4 and a half million views and 2 million likes!"

My whole family looks surprised up at me while I grab spoons for the cereals. "Oh my goodness honey that's great," mom says running up to hug me. "Thanks, "I whisper back to her.

Me and Damon head up to the dance room after eating breakfast I know my brothers will keep the others entertained while me and Damon make a new dance."ok so first we need to pick a song, "I say sitting against the wall of the dance room. "Well, I have no idea what song. what if we just go to top hits on Spotify and hit shuffle and make a dance to the song that comes up?" He says coming to sit beside me. "That's actually a great idea!" I answer nodding at him.

He grabs his phone out of his pocket and goes to Spotify," ready?" he asks. I nod and he hits shuffle. Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendez comes up," ok that's not too bad we can work with that," I say as we get up and get to work.

We just got done working on the dance and we are rounding everyone up so we can film and post the dance. Once everyone is rounded up Hannah starts to record while everyone else kind of circles around us. I tell Alex to start the song when he thinks everyone's ready And so we begin. Once we finish the dance I post it on Instagram and put my phone back in my pocket.


User2: Tell me why I suddenly want to become a dancer???💕

User3: pls make more dance videos or any video really I just love y'all!!


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