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I wake up to my alarm going off at 8:00. I groan and slap at my bedside table to turn off the alarm clock. Hannah just laughs and gets up to turn it off. She heads into the bathroom. I close my eyes to go back to sleep. I feel water beginning to drop on my face.

I see Hannah standing on top of me. I glare at her but that's all I do because I have a better way to get back at her. So I just walk into my bathroom and put on my makeup. Not caring what I look like I just put on a sweater and jeans.

Walking out of the bathroom I grab my school bag. I head downstairs with Hannah on my heels. I know Hannah likes August so I say to August, "hey August do you want to ride with me and Hannah to school today?" He nods his head at us. I look at both of them ok I have to go to the restroom real quick."

I room upstairs and quickly write a sign the says," pls honk."I put the tape on the corners and fold it in my pocket. When I walk around the car to go to the passenger seat I stick it to the back of Hannah's car.

I see Damon walking to his car. Hannah pulls out before I look in the rearview mirror. To see him laughing he honks twice. I send him a,"😜" emoji. He responds with a laughing emoji. On the way to school, 5 different cars honk at us, and Hannah is so confused and frustrated.

I just laugh I know I'm dead when she finds it so I plan on running as soon as she parks. Her assigned parking spot is in the back of the parking lot. Damon passed us on the way here and I know he will protect me from Hannah. So when she parks I start my run about halfway through the parking lot I hear her scream," ANNABELLA ROSE WALKER!"

I speed up and see Damon walking toward the school. I quickly run after him and say, " She found out, save me." He pulls me in behind him right as I see Hannah walk up to us. August jogs after her smiling. "Annabella Rose Walker I know you don't use Damon as a wall right now," she says with venom in her voice. I stand on my tiptoes to peek over Damon's shoulder.

I give her a small wave with a smile. She gives a 'me your not being serious right now' look. I pull up Damon's arm and walk under it I stop so his armrests on my shoulders. I look at her shyly and say, "you dumped cold water on my head this morning so I came up with this plan to embarrass you, Coffee." I offer sticking my coffee out to her. She takes the coffee and says, "You're lucky I love coffee."

Damon slides his arm off my shoulders and drabs my hand. Pull him to my locker, "what's your schedule," he asks me. I hand him the extra schedule from my locker. Damon walks me to Spanish which is my first class. I don't have any classes with my friends Until the 4th hour. So when I go into math which is my 4th hour. I see Grant waiting for me.

I'm really good at math so I spend most of the class period just making fun of Grant. Grant is the worst at math. He groans and says I'm never going to," understand any of this math shit." Ms. Williams heard him and says, "GRANT THAT KIND OF LANGUAGE IS NOT ALLOWED!" I laugh and ms Williams gives me a pointed look. I quickly shut up.

When class is over Damon meets us by the door. Grant smiles and says," Hey there daddy." Damon just laughs and says," the only person I want to call me that is her." He puts his arm on my shoulders. I know I have a horrified look on my face because both of them burst into laughing fits after looking at my face.

We are walking to lunch and I notice everyone is staring at us. I know Grant loves attention so he doesn't mind it and Damon is used to being stared at. I on the other hand hate it.

I shake Damon's arm off my shoulders. He looks at me confused and I say, "Everyone is staring at us." He sighs and says loudly, " Can everyone please mind your own damn business." Everyone quickly looks away.

When we get to the cafeteria the 3 of us walk through the lunch line I grab a slice of pizza and an orange. We walk over to the table I always sit at with the twins, Asher, August, Hannah, and Grant. When we sit down Andrew starts to tell the story of him and Aaron switching spots and going to each other's classes.

Apparently, Aaron had a test for Spanish and Andrew takes French so he failed the test. Aaron is angrily eating his pizza while Andrew tells the story. I have finished my pizza by the time he is done telling the story.

When I start to peel my orange I can't get it so Damon takes it from my hand. He peels all it for me. He takes a slice before handing it back to me and says," payment." As he says that I hear someone behind me say, "Why does he even like her she's not even that pretty." Before I can turn a pudding cup is dump on top of my head.

Hannah is up before anyone can even process what just happened. Hannah has tackled the girl she is punching the girl when August stands up and pulls her off the girl. August throws her over his back and Hannah tries to get free but there is no point August's hold is too tight. Damon gets up grabs my hand and pulls me out of the cafeteria. When I look back I see my old best friend Jaden but now she is the school slut.

We head towards the football locker room. I was afraid there were going to be guys in there but there was no one. Damon goes to one of the lockers with I'm guessing is his and hands me a bottle of shampoo and starts to head to showers. Damon goes to one of the showers and pushes me to it. I shut the curtain. He says, "Take off your clothes and hand them to me."

"I swear to god if you look," I say with a sigh. He laughs and says, "I won't, I promise." I stick my pinky out of the curtain. He wraps his pinky around mine and shakes it twice.

I get undressed and hand them out of the curtain. He replaces the clothes that were in my hand with the bottle of shampoo. I open the bottle and take a sniff of it. It smells so strong of a scent that can only be described as male and let out a couple of little coughs.

I hear Damon laugh on the other side of the curtain," Yea Sorry I don't have any shampoo that smells like flowers." I laugh at him and put a little bit of soap on my hand so that way I don't completely smell like a guy. I rinse out the soap and turn off the water.

Damon hands a white towel through the curtain. I take it a dry myself. Next, he hands me my underwear and bra. I take them a little embarrassed. He holds my jeans through the curtain and waits for me to take them.

When I take them I hear him moving around and he hands in the hoodie he was wearing. When I put it on it reached about my mid-thigh needless to say it was huge on me.

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