Chapter 15

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(TW: A mention of blood, but it isn't significant 🩸).

It's still dark?

Maybe that's what's after all of...this—


"Everything is fine. She will be fine."


"STOP! If you trust lawyer winning a lawsuit, then you should then trust me to what I do! If you stop asking questions and just let her rest, you will see!"

Is that—Williams??

"Eliza, I'm sure she'll be fine, we can't worry—"

Eliza? That means—


"It's not your fault Eliza; none of us knew she would do this, we just have to be grateful she's alive."

It's Peggy...

There's a slam from a door? I'm going to guess that's Williams leaving in anger and sympathy.

   I try to open my eyes to say something, but I feel exhausted and tired like I fell off a 3 story building—- oh wait 👁 👄 👁

(3 hours later)

It's silent. (I mean I can't say anything I feel like I slept for forever)

    I'm able to open my eyes and I'm shocked to see everyone, including Eliza's children, sitting or standing around the bed. Everyone's so solemn, it's a bit frightening. I don't think they realize I'm awake, probably because they are all staring at the floor, out the window, or at the bedsheet holding my hand.

I don't know what to say or what to do you even start something like this "Oh HeLLo iTs yOuR dAugHtEr wHo aLmOSt kiLLeD hErSelF"

That's so stupid—

"Ange? You're awake!"

Never-mind I was spotted...

"Hi Peggy."

All of them looked at me with tears glazing their eyes. My mother starts weeping in joy and my father actually looks concerned for my well-being. Eliza ushers her children out of the room and as they walk out I can see Pip give his younger sister a hug and said something I couldn't make out.

"I'm sorry, Angelica. I've should have talked to you and urged to help more—"

"Eliza you're fine. It wasn't your fault, I just...I just couldn't do it anymore."

Everyone gives father a look of hatred as he tries to be oblivious to it.


All of a sudden, my mother hushed Peggy for speaking and then gives her and Eliza a look that seems very threatening.

"What's going on?" For a moment, no one answers me. They went expressionless and emotionless (if that was even possible). I sat up trying to be demanding(?), yet I feel dizzy and pain in my lower stomac—

"Did I?"

No one speaks or dares to look me in the eye.

That can't be right?! No, no— they're wrong.

Despite the pain I was feeling, I rip off the blankets covering me to reveal...Nothing?

There was blood, but it wasn't much. It was a small puddle with hardly any volume to it.

So why was I in so much pain down there?

"Angelica, if you're curious; you didn't have a miscarriage."

"The bloo—"

"You almost had one, but somehow you didn't. You did, however, lose a lot of blood and gained a scar on your back and on your side."

I didn't feel anything


Dang it mother, why did you say anything.

"That clears up a lot of questions"

Then Peggy chimes "Not going to lie, but that's like your 3rd sheet, so stop bleeding 😀. But seriously, please be REALLY CAREFUL. The doctor said that anymore stressful or dangerous events could cause the miscarriage to actually happen."

I nod in agreement and all three smile at me. (The one I'm excluding is my dad if you can't tell).

"Do you have anything to say—DEAR?!"

Mom is p¡***d

"No I'm fine." My father turned to me and said "I'm just glad you're not injured too much."

With that he gives a wave to everyone in the room and leaves.

"Anyway— the doctor said you should be feeling normal in about 2-3 weeks, but after that you should be fine to enjoy the rest of the summer or until you leave Angelica."

Everyone gave me another smile before they all silently agreed to leave the room to let me rest(?). I stare at the ceiling imagining what could have happen because well,

I'm an
✨ o v e r t h i n k e r ✨

I guess it's fine that I'm okay and alive, but I'm more relieved that my child is fine. I don't think I would have been able to live with myself if I survived, but the baby did not. It was reckless and stupid, but I would have just met them in heaven more or less.

I hope my husband doesn't see these scars; it was traumatizing enough almost killing myself and my unborn. But having to explain that to him and the reasons why he's not allowed to do the things he does to me for 7-9 months?

That's a much more terrifying—

"I'm a complete idiot."

I DID A PAGE IN LESS THAN A MONTH WOOOOO, but it's still close to 900 words 😌.

Also I'll try to write another by Christmas but if not maybe it'll be a Q&A or just an authors note( SO TELL ME THOSE QUESTIONS)


you too atheists 😉.

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