Chap 17

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Eren hopped into the shower letting the hot water run down his body. He sighed heavily, it's been 2 days since I've even talked to Mikasa. We need to talk this out... not that it's any of her business. He quickly finished rinsing off and turned off the taps.  The cold air hit his still steaming skin, Eren shook himself and grabbed a towel . He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the tub. Slipping on his boxers Eren looked at his clothes for the day. Dark jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Eren pulled the clothes on and stepped out of the washroom. "Levi, I'm ready." Levi popped his head out of the kitchen, "Good. Let's go brat." Eren turned to the couch to grab a hoodie. When he looked back up Levi was waiting rather impatiently by the front door. Eren huffed as he walked up to the door and opened it, "Ladies first." Eren snickered. Levi glared at Eren and gave him a swift kick to the shin. Eren leaned over in pain. "Leeevi. Was that really..." Levi leaned over and pulled Eren's face up to meet his gaze, making Eren trail off. Eren just stared dumbfounded into Levi's eye's, feeling the pain ebb away as he got lost in the pools of silver. "Chin up brat, we're going out for brunch." Snapping out of his trace Eren nodded and followed Levi out like an obedient puppy. The two teens walked out of the apartment building and down the street in the opposite direction of school. They passed a quiet abandoned park, continuing to walk for another block at least until Levi stopped in front of a cafe. " The Little Titan Cafe? Hey Levi, I thought titans were supposed to be real big. How can they be little?" Eren asked just staring at the outside if the cafe. Levi sighed and nearly face palmed,"Never mind that Eren just get inside." Levi snapped impatiently. As they walked inside Eren was hit with many delicious smells, he was nearly drooling. Levi walked to a table in the far back and sat down, naturally Eren followed close behind. The two quickly ordered. When the food came Eren could barley contain his hunger, while Levi watched in amusement as Eren started eating his omelet. "Don't eat so fast brat, knowing you you're bound to choke." Eren finished what was in his mouth before replying. "Oh ha ha. So funny. " Levi blew on his hot coffee smiling. I'd be so lonely without this brat. He thought silently to himself. It feels as if we've been together for so much longer than we have. Eren looked up from is food to look at Levi, when he saw the other boy smiling Eren began to grin like an idiot. "What's that look for? You look like the fucking Cheshire cat." Eren snickered, "Oh nothing. It's just rare to see you look so happy.", "It's only because I'm with you. " Levi mumbled before taking a bite out of his toast. Eren blushed and looked down smiling to himself. When the boys had finished eating the walked back down the street. "Hey Levi where are we going?" Levi shrugged and said "wherever you want." Eren giggled and pecked Levi on the lips. "You're the greatest." Eren then dragged Levi around the city. Eight cups of coffee later the two were walking back to Levi's apartment, but instead of continuing straight Levi tugged Eren left in the direction of his own house. "It's time you straightened things out with Mikasa." Eren just nodded clenching Levi's hand tighter and letting the shorter boy walk him to his house. Eren took a deep breath as they approached the door. He opened it and stepped in. "Mikasa?" All of a sudden Eren was swept into a tight embrace, before he could even say anything Mikasa started to speak. "Eren I've been so worried. Are you ok?" Eren stood still as Mikasa inspected him. "Yea , I'm good." Mikasa nodded and looked down at the floor. "I was wrong," she murmured. "It's just that your the only family I have left and I didn't want to see you hurt." Eren eye's widened as he listed to Mikasa's heartfelt apology. "Mikasa, you're the only family I have left as well. I want you to support me and Levi. He's a part of my life now and I want you two to be friends." Mikasa nodded. " I won't be his friend and I won't be your mother, but for what it's worth I'll try to get along with him." Eren smiled and hugged Mikasa tightly. "Thank you." Mikasa returned a smile and looked up at Eren. "Are you coming home tonight?" She asked. Eren nodded, "I guess, but I have to grab my things from Levi's first ok?" "Ok." After that Eren hurried Levi back to his apartment and grabbed his things. "Thank you so much Levi." Eren embraced his boyfriend and kissed him passionately. Levi smiled into the kiss, eventually having to break it off Levi said his goodbyes to Eren. Just when Eren reached his front door he got a text from Levi. It read "I love you brat."

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