Chap 9

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Snap! The sound of a camera went off. The two sleeping boys stirred. It suddenly got very cold as something tugged the blanket off the boys, Eren slurred something that sounded a bit like "naaa, give it baaaack!" Than, wish not granted, Eren curled closer to Levi's body. Levi squeezed Eren's body, there at the foot of the bed stood Hanji. She was snickering well snapping pictures on her phone, "ooh this is gonna make such good blackmail material!" She whispered excitedly to herself. She quickly, while video taping, tiptoed up to Levi. She bent over and screamed in his ear, "GET UP, YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!!!!!" Levi immediately jumped up, than punched Hanji in the face. Levi blinked sleep out of his eyes, "Hanji, what in the fucking hell are you doing in my apartment?" Levi looked furious. "I may or may not have stolen your spare key." Was her reply. Levi glared hard at her, well a very sleepy Eren wasn't happy with his wake up call at all. He sat up, "Hanji, Levi? What's going on?" Levi sighed, "nothing Eren, Hanji is just mentally retarded." Eren nodded, trying to keep up. "Getting punched was so worth it!" Hanji squealed! Levi's eyes widened, no no no no noooo! "You didn't, you wouldn't dare!" "Oh ho ho, but wouldn't I?" "Hanji, give me your phone now!" Levi demanded. "Never!" She cackled. Levi began chasing Hanji around the room, Eren was getting fed up. "Enough!" He screamed at the two teens. The two stopped dead in their tracks, Levi turned his head and faced Eren. He stood up and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. "Leave Hanji alone! Levi get in here we have 15 minuets to eat and get out of the house!" Levi glared at Hanji one last time before existing the room. Levi quickly made pb and j sandwiches, he gave one to Eren than changed quickly than fixed his hair. Eren looked up at Levi, he blushed and looked down. "Something wrong brat?" Eren shook his head no. Hanji smiled creepily at Eren. She knew full well why Eren was blushing, he was slowly realizing what had happened the night before. "Lets go, come on Hanji." Levi grabbed Eren's hand and laced their fingers, than he walked out the front door. Levi quickly locked the door, and walked out of the apartment building. Hanji, on the other hand was trailing about two meters behind Levi and Eren, she was a bit scared of what Levi would do to her after this morning. Hanji knew that Levi had only stopped because Eren told him to. So unlike him, she thought to herself. Levi and Eren were still hand in hand, Eren was blushing lightly, he really enjoyed having Levi so close. He still wasn't used to it, he vaguely wondered what everyone else would think. Than he shrugged it off, who cares? I've got the one person I love, that's all I'll ever need. Eren thoughts made him a bit happier. As the entered the school grounds, Levi got on the tips of his toes and quickly kissed Eren. "Bye, I'll see you at lunch." Eren watched dumbstruck. Levi kissed Eren, in public! Eren was blushing bright red, Armin popped up from behind Eren's shoulder. "Ohhh, what was that about?" Eren jumped, "ah, oh A-a-Armin, I'll tell you later okay?" Armin looked up at at Eren and nodded, "lets go to class alright?" "Okay!" Eren smiled and fallowed his blonde friend to the classroom. Eren reached into his pocket and pulled his phone, "holy shit, Mikasa really 57 texts?" Armin laughed, "did she really send all those messages?" Eren shoved his phone in Armin's face and scrolled through his lock screen, "Mikasa, Mikasa, Mikasa!" Armin laughed and patted Eren's shoulder, "poor, poor Eren." He teased. Eren made a face, "meeeeeeh!" The two entered the classroom, they were greeted by all their friends, they returned the greetings than sat down. Armin leaned over his to Eren's desk, he whispered "you will tell me what happened at lunch, right?" Eren looked at Armin, "I promise." "Ok good." Class started, while Armin waited very patiently for lunch so he could get the details. Finally lunch rolled around, Armin jumped up outta his desk and grabbed Eren. He dragged him outside and sat under a tree. Armin forced it all out of him, from the moment he found the note till the point where Eren woke up in Levi's arms. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I didn't think he would let me stay, after I fell asleep though I remember having a really awful nightmare. After that he took me into his bedroom and let me sleep in his bed." Armin nodded thoughtfully, finally spoke up. "Eren, I'm glad you found someone to love..." Armin looked away thoughtfully "you better hope Mikasa doesn't scare him off." "Shit I'm not going to enjoy going home today." Armin laughed "I bet not." Eren got up and went to find Levi, Armin wandered back to the group of freshmen. Eren finally found Levi sitting with Hanji and a blond he had never met. "Erwin, Eren. Eren, Erwin." Eren held out his hand and smiled. Erwin grabbed Eren's hand a shook it. Eren conversed with the three for awhile, when the bell rang he headed back to class. The rest of the day went in uneventful, art class rolled around and Eren was glad to see Levi. At the end of the day Eren kissed Levi goodbye, than ran off to walk home with Armin. The closer Eren got to his house the more he felt something bad was going to happen. He said goodbye to Armin, than walked into the house. Eren nearly jumped out of his skin. "Mikasa, w-w-what are you doing here?" Mikasa tapped her foot impatiently, " the last time I checked I lived here Eren." "I know but I thought you'd have to work." Mikasa shook her head, "go sit down, we need to talk."

A/N: sorry for all spelling and grammars errors. Love you all!

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