Meeting Levi

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Levi was just walking to class quietly, minding his own business when he heard a very unpleasant sound. "Leeeeeeeeevi!!!" Hanji squealed jumping onto the short mans back. Levi flinched and pushed her off. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" Levi asked angrily. "Oh come on Levi, don't be such a sour puss I was just happy to see you again!" Hanji answered pouting. Erwin came up behind Hanji, and laughed. "Lets go guys." Erwin said amused by the argument. Levi stalked away, shoving his hands into his pockets. He was still a bit unnerved from bumping into that boy, all he could think about were those magnificent turquoise eyes. As the trio walked to their class, Levi found himself wanting to know more about the boy. They soon arrived at their assigned classroom, Hanji by now was basically jumping up and down. "It's our last year I'm so excited!" She cheered. Erwin chuckled at her enthusiasm, Levi just rolled his eyes. When the stepped into the classroom the were greeted by a few other friends, soon after the greetings were finished Mr. Pixis walked in. "Alright class I'm Mr. Pixis I'll be teaching you this year, please have a seat so I can start taking attendance." As he started Levi thought about the tall brunet again, he was perfect, but as he thought he decided that he would probably never see him again. When attendance was finished, they started the lesson. Finally the bell rang and everyone jumped out of their seats, Levi took a little longer to make sure he had all his things before leaving. As he was walking to the cafeteria he heard a voice behind him. " excuse me, can you help me get to the cafeteria?" Levi turned around and came face to face with Eren. Eren looked a bit shocked "Oh it's you,I'm really sorry about this morning." Levi looked up and shrugged "it's fine brat." "So um do you think you could help me?" Eren asked nervously. "Yah sure, what's your name brat?" Eren glared a bit, he was not a brat! "My name is Eren Yeager, I'm a freshmen here, and I am not a brat!" Levi rolled his eyes and simply shrugged and grabbed Eren's hand "it's this way." Eren was blushing so hard his face looked like a tomato! Levi tugged Eren down the hallway into another hallway, there he let go of Eren's hand. Eren looked down at Levi, wow he was short. Eren decided to break the silence as they walked, "so you gonna tell me your name?" He asked. Levi looked up at Eren damning his height. The raven haired teen scowled at the brunet in front of him "Levi." He growled. Eren was a bit taken aback from Levi's aggression, but continued to walk beside him. When the reached the cafeteria Levi was quick to say goodbye, Eren gave him a lopsided smile and replayed with a see ya around. Levi realized he had an urge to smile at the naive freshman, and when Levi looked away he felt his heart beating faster than normal. There Levi decided he hated that shitty freshmen brat named Eren.

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