Chap 15

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Eren was the first of the two to wake up, his eyes glazed with a trance trying to recall the events from the night before. His brain cleared and he groaned loudly and buried his face in whatever it was his head was leaning on. Levi slowly blinked, his eyes the color of clouds before a storm. Levi had fallen asleep with Eren on his chest, looking down he realized it had been Eren to wake him up, "Eren?" Levi asked groggily. Eren had been to busy wallowing in his thoughts to notice that the very thing he was basically on was Levi. A blushing stuttering Eren pulled away, "Levi! I'm so sorry…" Levi gave Eren a half smile, looking quite amused, "Shh, Eren its fine." Levi whispered, his voice was scratchy and deeper than usual. It sent shivers down Eren's spine. Levi pulled Eren back to his chest, 'I swear this kid is a human furnace' Levi thought to himself. The two boys snuggled closer to each other, Eren lay his head on Levi's shoulder while Levi rested his head atop Eren's. Levi faintly heard his front door open and close. "Please god, or whatever, no, no, no, no, no." Levi whispered under his breath. He heard a very distinct, screechy voice from his tiny living room. "Leeeeeeeeeevi!?!"  Eren's eyes widened, "Fuck, not this again!" Levi and Eren both flew out of bed, "Levi, what are we gonna do?" Levi's hand whipped towards his semi walk in closet, "Get in!" he commanded, hearing footsteps approaching his door. Eren looked doubtfully at the closet before quickly stepping in and shutting the door. Hanji walked in, seeing a very cranky looking Levi. "Good morning my love~, did you sleep well?" "First I am most defiantly not your love, second I was sleeping fine until your nasty ass walked in." Levi said coolly. Hanji just rolled her eyes and flopped down on his bed, Levi's eyes twitched. Meanwhile Eren heard the two conversing, barely suppressing his giggles at Levi’s reply. Outside of the closeted Eren, Levi was desperately trying to usher Hanji out of his apartment. Finally Levi snapped and started pulling Hanji’s leg, trying to get her at least off his bed, “Hanji, let go!” He basically growled, Hanji was laughing slowly losing her grip. She finally fell on the floor, being dragged out of the bedroom door. She grabbed the door frame, “Leeeevi, you’re wasting too much time, we’re gonna be late!” Levi snapped his teeth at her, “Shut up, we’re not going today!” Eren heard from his closet, his eyes widened, a small smile crept up on Eren’s face. Levi dropped Hanji’s leg, in shock. FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! Levi mentally screamed. A maniacal smile took over Hanji’s stupid face. “We’re plural, sooo who is it? Where’s this other person at?” Levi rolled his eyes, “Eren you mind as well come out now” Levi said in an annoyed tone. Eren walked out of the closet and doubled over with laughter, seeing Levi’s bed sheets on the floor and Hanji wedged in the door frame. Levi smiled seeing Eren so happy; it made his stomach churn in a good way. “Now Hanji get out,” Levi pointed at the door, he grabbed Eren’s arm, “I’m spending today with my boyfriend!” Eren’s face lit up so bright, he was radiating happiness. Levi slammed his bedroom door in Hanji’s face, and listened to his front door close quietly. “You know,” Eren said quietly, “Everyone’s gonna know tomorrow.” Levi gave Eren his best smile, “Who the fuck cares? We’re official now.” With that Eren and Levi flopped down on the bed giggling. Eren leaned over and kissed Levi softly, “I really do think I’m falling for you Levi.” Eren whispered in Levi’s ears. He loved the way Eren made him feel, and the special words he whispered just for him. Levi let out a happy sigh, “You’re such a sap. You know that?” Eren giggled and kissed Levi’s nose. “And you love me for it.” Levi ruffled Eren’s hair affectionately, and pulled the boy closer. “Just shut up and kiss me.” Levi brought his lips to Eren’s and it was an explosion of sparks and emotions neither could explain. Levi decided he never wanted this moment to end.

A/N: Love it? Hate it? Just tell me, should I keep writing? If you love this story vote and comment, it’ll make my life lol. So ya I’ll try to update more often. 

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