My Life, in Ruins -Chapter ten-

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   The next morning I woke up before Ian so I spent some time in front of the mirror. I remembered how I used to try to avoid my reflection at all costs, how I couldn’t leave the house without make-up, how I always had to be perfect; now, I only wore make-up when I had to. I brushed out my hair, watching it curl into its natural setting, and then put on some jogging clothes. Butch was already waiting by the door so I clipped on his leash and we took off together. We ended up at the local diner and I decided that it would be a good time to stop and take a break. The waitress brought Butch some water and I ordered a coffee. As I sat there, sipping at the hot liquid, I noticed Clay and Carter leaving with to-go bags. They saw me too.

“Hey there, Bree.” Carter said, stopping at my table. “How are you?”
I forced a smile for him and put my cup down. “I’m good, what about you?”
Clay was standing behind Carter, looking everywhere but me. I knew this was awkward for him but what can I say? I never liked the kid to begin with; sure I thought his innocence was cute, but I should have never hooked up with him, whether I was high or not.
“I’m okay, but Clay here…well, he’s not so good.”
“Dude, shut-up.” Clay hissed, trying to get Carter to walk away.
“Actually, I was hoping you could tell me why Priscilla wont return my calls.” Carter said, looking at me.
“How the hell would I know? We aren’t friends.” I replied.
“Hey, don’t give me an attitude, I was just asking a question.”
I tried to ignore them after that but Carter doesn’t like to be ignored.
“Oh and I have another question; do you enjoy fucking the little emo kid? Because I thought that you were all about Clay here; or at least from what he tells me you were.”
I rolled my eyes and looked up at them. “Seriously? Grow the fuck up, and Clay, get over it. We hooked up, big deal, that was all it was. Honestly, if you were a virgin you should have said something because I wouldn’t have done it; and really, could you not tell that I was high, because if I hadn’t been I wouldn’t have fucked you to begin with, so if you two would excuse me…”
I went to get up and walk away, but Carter grabbed my arm.
“Hey, that was really fucking rude.” He began.
I looked down at his hand holding me. “Let go.” I ordered.
“No, I want you to apologize.” He ordered.
I pulled against his hold. “Get off of me, now.”
“Say you’re sorry!” He yelled.
That was when Butch decided to intervene. He pushed his large body between Carter and I and snarled, shoving all of his large, white teeth. Carter jumped backwards, startled. I guess Butch had been hiding under the table while they were pestering me.
“Good dog.” I told Butch, grabbing his leash.
Carter and Clay watched us leave, but I didn’t look back.

When I got to Ian’s he was up and waiting for me.
“Hey, where have you been?”
“Sorry, I went to go get some coffee with Butch.” I let him go and then ran to Ian’s room. “I’ll be ready in a second.”
I changed my clothes and put on some deodorant. I joined Ian in the kitchen after and he handed me a glass of orange juice.
“I just had coffee.” I protested.
“Just drink it.” He ordered.
I complied and then we piled into his car, Butch in the backseat.
“So what’s my surprise?” I asked.
“It’s not a surprise if I tell you.” He replied.
I rolled my eyes and settled into my seat. We drove for nearly an hour before Ian turned off the main road and onto a back road. Twenty minutes later he was pulling into a driveway that led to a small, rural home. Butch was let out of the car to stretch his legs while Ian led me to the front door. It was safe to say that I was totally confused at this point, especially when he knocked on the door and a woman in her thirties answered.
“Oh Ian, I’ve been wondering when you were going to stop by.” She said.
“Yea, sorry. I’ve been really busy lately. Are they ready?”
“Yup, weaned them last week.”
The woman closed the door behind us and led us to a back room. A dog was sleeping in the corner of the room but she got up when she saw us and came over to sniff our shoes. After being around Butch so much, a dog of her size wasn’t as intimidating. I noticed that she had really saggy boobs and then when the lady walked us over to the corner I saw why; twelve pitbull puppies slept soundly in a pile.
“I wasn’t sure which one you wanted so I told the buyers that I would call them after you showed up.”
Ian nodded and bent down to look at them. He whistled twice and they all woke up, crying as soon as they saw us. I smiled and bent down next to Ian.
“They’re so cute.” I said as they all jumped into the air to get attention.
“I know, which one do you like?” He asked.
I looked at all of them and then noticed a big, fat one in the back who was crying, but too lazy to get up and greet us.
“Oh my god, he looks like Butch.” I said.
“Well yea,” Ian replied. “These are his puppies.”
I looked at Ian in confusion. “What are we doing here exactly?” I asked.
Ian reached over and grabbed the Butch look-alike pup, handing it to me. The puppy reached over and started licking my nose.
“When we bred Butch to Sheba our payment was pick of the litter, so I want you to pick which one you want.”
 “Which one I want? Like to be mine?”
Ian nodded and smiled at me. I looked down at the puppies again and then at the one I was holding.
“This one. He looks just like his daddy.”
Ian nodded and stood up and then smiled at the lady.
“I guess we have our puppy then.”
After that we went back outside and Ian hollered for Butch. When he joined us, we piled back into the car, my new puppy on my lap.
“My mom is going to kill me.” I said.
Ian laughed, “Oh no, we can’t have that.”
“I don’t care,” I told him. “It’ll be worth it.”
Butch leaned forward, trying to sniff the puppy in my lap so I held him up.
“Does he pass your inspection?” I asked the large dog. Butch licked his puppy’s face and then mine.
Ian chuckled and then we relaxed for the long ride home.

The next week at school was hectic. We were having exams and lots of college entry tests were taking place so there was barley any time for Ian and I to be together because he’s one of those brainy types and was enrolled in all of the tests. But that left a lot of time for Buddy, my new pup, and I to bond. He really was a rascal, just like his daddy, which reminded me of his daddy’s owner, and in turn, I missed Ian that much less. My mother wasn’t thrilled about the new addition to the family, but really she didn’t have much say; he was here to stay, and that was final.
The most exciting thing that happened during the testing week was Ray and Priscilla coming out of the closet about their relationship. I guess me calling her out at the competition pushed her to take the next step and now her and Ray were the main buzz of the school, though neither of them seemed to mind too much. I wouldn’t admit it to Priscilla but I was glad she was happy; and, it made her much less bitter at practice.

When school ended on Friday I couldn’t wait for the weekend to start, that meant that I would be with Ian again, but to my dismay that wasn’t the plan. Ian’s family was going back upstate to his grandfather’s funeral. He apologized time and time again, but I wouldn’t let him because I wasn’t mad, I understood, just disappointed. There was a party going on and I really didn’t want to go, but Ray and Annie convinced me otherwise. Ray came to pick me up, and we stopped along the way to get Annie and then it was to the party from there.

“Where’s Priscilla?” I asked Ray.
“Her mom is making her to go this fashion show this weekend so she couldn’t come. She promised to make it up to me though.” Ray waggled her eyebrows and I pretended to gag.
“I don’t feel right going to this party without Ian, I mean what am I going to do? Drink a few and dance by myself?”
“No, I’m here and so is Annie and we both don’t have our significant other, so we’ll be lonely together.”
I laughed and rolled my eyes; that was true. But really, I just wanted to curl up on my bed with Buddy and watch TV or read. I was becoming such a boring person but that had to do with the fact that I spent most of my time sleeping and eating and then puking up what I ate. I really needed to go to the doctor, but I couldn’t seem to talk myself into it.
“We’re here.” Ray sang.
I looked at the house and groaned. “Carter’s party? Really? I thought you said your friend was having one.”
“She was,” Ray said. “But her parents came home early so her and Carter decided to combine theirs.”
I sighed and opened the door; the cool air bit at the bare skin of my legs. “A little heads up would have been nice; I don’t really like Carter.”
“And you think I do? He was screwing my girl friend. But I’m here for my friend, and I’ll just ignore Carter.”
“Good plan,” Annie said, looping her arms with Ray’s and mine. “Now lets go have fun”

Once Ray, Annie and I settled down a bit the party actually started to be fun. We danced and I had a couple of shots, but not a lot, after the third one my tummy started to feel woozy. Annie took off to go to the bathroom at one point and then didn’t come back, but Ray wasn’t worried, she said the lines were killer. Ray’s friend that was co-hosting the party came by to chat with us for a while and then she asked Ray to help her with something.
“Are you going to be okay?” Ray asked me.
“Yea, I’m going to go find Annie, and I have to pee anyways.”
So after that I took off towards the bathroom, not seeing the pretty brunette with the greenish brown eyes anywhere. I did really have to pee though, so I waited in line until it was my turn and closed the door quickly behind me. I really should have locked it, but I hadn’t expected anyone to come in so when the door opened and then closed and the lights went out, I screamed. A hand went over my face and the person pushed me up against the wall.
“How about you don’t scream, unless its my name.” Carter, I would recognize that voice anywhere.
“Get off of me,” I struggled, but his hand was still over my mouth so it was kind of muffled.
“You’re a little rude bitch who needs an attitude adjustment; you used to open your legs for everyone, even me once.”
“We never had sex.” I hissed to him.
“No, we didn’t but we did get high and fool around. Wasn’t that fun, Bree? You enjoyed it, right? I know I did.”
He pressed up against me. “Leave me alone, please.”
“Well I can’t do that, I really do have to teach you a lesson. You broke poor Clay’s heart.”
He kissed me then and I could taste the liquor on his mouth. I bit down on his tongue, hard.
“Ow, you fucking bitch!” He cursed, knocking me into the wall, hard. “I didn’t want to have to do this the hard way, but I guess I’m going to have to.”
I heard the sound of him opening a baggie and then he grabbed onto my jaw with his free hand.
“Open up, Bree.”
I struggled harder and he used my struggling to pry my mouth open and shove something in it. It was a powder, but from the texture it was probably mashed up pills. I tried to spit them out but he held my mouth closed until I was gagging on them and had no choice but to swallow or choke to death. I didn’t know what the pills were, but whatever they were, I knew they weren’t good. I started to fight harder than before and managed to knee him in between the legs, which gave me enough space to run for the door. I made a break for it, rushing through the crowds, but the house was packed, and I was kind of turned around, so I couldn’t figure out my way to the door. I grabbed my phone out of my bra and called Ray, she answered but I could barley hear her.
“I need help!” I yelled into the phone, but before I could hear a reply arms wrapped around my waist and yanked me into a room. I dropped my phone on the other side of the door.
“Carter, please don’t do this.” I whispered. “Please don’t.”
He laughed and threw me onto a bed. I fought with him, hard, but pretty soon my world started getting hazy and I couldn’t even lift my arm anymore. He had roofied me, that was what the pills had been. I don’t know what happened after that because I was falling in and out of consciousness, but I do know that I some how ended up home, standing in front of my yelling mother.

“You’re a failure!” She was screaming. “A drug-whore just like your sister and I’m done with you! You’re getting shipped off the first chance I get. You’re a disgrace to this family, and I never, ever want you to speak to me again. You’re no longer my daughter; and don’t even try calling your father, he wants nothing to do with you either.”

I somehow made it up to my room and staggered into the bathroom; everything was still in a fuzz and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I remember looking in the mirror, wishing the spinning would stop and that I wouldn’t feel this way. I remember vomiting on the floor, in the toilet, I think Buddy was there for a while, and then I remember a stinging pain, and that was it…

I lied yesterday; it was this chapter and the next that were really short. So I'll post both of them today (:

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