Chapter 14

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Awkwardly I waved at the boys and looked around the room to avoid their gazes.

"Soo" Niall said. We all looked at him, but he was focused on me.

"What do you want to do? How about we order take-away and then watch a movie?" He smiled and I agreed nodding.

Niall went to get two menus. One was of the pizza palast down the road and the other one was from the chinese restaurant on the other side of the street.

"Pizza?" He asked holding up the brochure, "Or chinese?" He continued raising the other brochure in the air.

"PIZZA!" Michael screamed which made the boys chuckle. "Mikey you always want Pizza. But we'll let Lia decide." Luke said and smiled at me. The other boys hummed in agreement.

But I actually wasn't up to anything of these. I still didn't feel like eating. The things of the past weeks flodding through my mind again.

Anyways I pointed at the pizza brochure, so Michael would get his pizza.

"Yas!!" Michael exclaimed and cheered.

"Same as always boys?" Niall asked. "Yup." Harry answered for everyone. Niall then looked at me awaiting, while I just stared at the brochure in his hands.

"Lia?" He asked and my eyes met his. I nodded and walked with him into the kitchen. Somehow I didn't want to be in a room, full of boys who were staring at me expectationally. So I was glad that Niall let me tag along.

I sat down on the kitchen tales while he called at the pizza palast and ordered. Soon he was finished. "30 minutes." Niall said and I looked to the ground.

"Don't feel like eating ,huh?" He asked as he walked towards me. He stopped as he was about a meter away from me, giving me the space I needed. Still staring at the floor I nodded and I heard Niall sigh beside me.

"Lia, I know you don't feel like eating, but please eat at least one slice okay?" He asked and looked at me curious. "Your grandpa said you haven't eaten in days, so please one slice for me okay? I don't want you to starve in a house full of food." Niall begged me and I sighed. Suddenly I found myself nodding at him in agreement and Niall's face relaxed a bit.

"Thank you." He said. With that we walked back into the living room. We watched tv until our pizza arrived.

I managed to eat one slice, but left the rest of my pizza to Michael who was more than happy about it.

My gaze wandered around the room and to the clock above the fireplace. It showed 6pm. I was more than tired as I didn't sleep last night. As if Ashton was teading my mind he stood up and walked until he was standing in front of me. "Tired? Come let's go." Ashton said, refering to the fact that he wanted to bring me home, but I didn't want to go outside again.

I looked at Ashton, then to the ceiling, over to Niall and then back at Ashton. He seemed to get what I wanted as he began to smile lightly. "Wanna sleep here?" He asked and I nodded. I waved a good night at the boys and made my way upstairs to my room, alone.

I got myself ready for bed and lay down. Even though my eyes were heavy and I was more than tired, I couldn't sleep, because everytime I closed my eyes, I saw Casey standing in front of me.

The doorbell rang and I looked at the clock. It was 8pm and soon the sound of the door openening was followed by the voices of Louis and Zayn. When I didn't hear their voices anymore I assumed they were all sitting in the living room, talking about some football game that came on tv yesterday. But when I turned again, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and soon the door to my room was opened. I closed my eyes fast.

"She's really sleeping thank god." I heard Louis whisper. "Well yeah, of course." I heard Niall whisper back.

"It's not that 'of course' last night she didn't sleep at all. She screamed and cried the whole night and I couldn't do anything." I heard Louis say sadly. "Oh." Niall replied. "I just hope she'll talk again soon. I don't want to imagine what Casey must've done to her that she's in a state like that." Niall said and Louis hummed a yes. "Me neither." Louis answered and with that the door was closed again.

I turned to lay on my back and stared at the ceiling.

The whole 'not-talking-thing' wasn't to hurt anyone, it was more for protecting myself from the truth. Protecting myself from my past and everything he had done to me.

I was ashamed of what he had done to me. I felt weak, for not being able to defend myself,but he was just stronger.

My body lifted itself up so I sat on the edge of my bed. I looked at the wall infront of me and stood up.

Lazily and tired I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

My ears noticed someone sobbing in the living room. As I looked around the corner slowly I saw Louis standing in Harry's arms, crying his eyes out.

Scared but still confident I walked into the room and froze, while I looked at Louis. The other boys had noticed me by now.

I decided something and I wasn't sure if it was really good to do that. I decided to speak a bit, so he would feel better, but otherwise if I talk, I'll probably have to tell what happened. Still the feeling of taking a bit of weight from Louis shoulders and the will to see him smile again, was stronger than my anxiety of revealing the story.

The boys were still focused on me, while Louis hadn't noticed yet that I was in the same room.

I took a deep breath, while I looked at Niall, who looked confused.

"T-Tommy?" I more whispered than talked. His head lifted and he turned around to look at me. He and also all the other boys looked at me in shock. "Lia?" Louis asked and walked towards me. A tear made it's way down my cheek. "Please don't cry." I whispered again. Louis couldnt stop crying though and he just stood there, looking at me. "You talked." He said still in disbelief.

"Please don't make me tell what happened." I begged him and more tears started to fall from my eyes. "I would never do that baby, never I promise." Louis said.

I just ran over to him and crashed into his body, hugging him as tight as I possibly could. He wrapped his arms around me tight. "I love you so much." He whispered in my ear, whil I just cried my eyes out.

Not that long, but I gave my best. Sorry if its pretty shitty. ♡

A Common Life // One Direction& 5Sos - Sequel to Separated LivesWhere stories live. Discover now