Chapter 26

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My stomach turned and I had to vomit. Quickly I ran back out and to the public toilet around the corner as it was the nearest I could think of.

After I finished I sat down on the floor, my back against the wall and my head in my hands. I breathed heavily.

I just couldn't believe what I had seen.

Casey. Just sitting there. Smiling. Happy.

All that happened was suddenly like it just happened yesterday.

I heard a banging at the door. Hesitantly I stood up and unlocked the door.

I hadn't noticed until that moment, that tears were actually streaming down my face.

I looked up and my eyes met a worried Harry. He looked at me half in shock, half worried as fuck.

"Are you alright love?" He asked with a somehow scared voice. I shook my head and more tears were streaming down my face.

He didn't know. He didn't know what that man had to me. He didn't know how it feels.

Harry looked at me sadly and pulled me into a hug. He drew circles on my back and tried to calm me down, which didn't really work out.

"You are not alone this time. I swear I'll never leave your side if I have to. Nothing will ever happen to you again." Harry said while playing with the ends my hair.

I hugged him even tighter then.

Soon he let go of mine. He looked at me skeptically. I just decided to leave my eyes focused on the floor.

Slowly I started to walk past him and back outside.

"Wait." Harry said. "Where are you going?" he asked me once I turned to look at him.

"Back. Home. Where else?" I asked him whispering.

"No." Harry stated simply. I narrowed my eyes and looked at him in disbelief. "Wha- .. Excuse me. Harry it's my decision where I want to go. I don't need your permission." I snapped at him. He just walked closer to me and looked right into my eyes.

"Do you really think I don't see the fear in your eyes? You have it every time you are going somewhere alone. Everytime when no one of us is arround. Whenever specific topics come on or topics that are the slightest bit related to what happened I see this fear in your eyes. I might be the only one to notice this, but I am glad I did." He said and my breath stuck.

I didn't know what to do. My breathing got heavy and I turned around, running my hand through my hair. "You don't understand." I told him.

"Then help me. Help me to understand." He said getting hectic.

"You will never understand." I whispered which made Harry only start yelling. "THEN EXPLAIN IT TO ME. WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?" He yelled at me, while I was still facing him with my back.

I shut my eyes, tears were falling again and my head sunk. Slowly I turned a bit towards Harry, yet not completely.

"Leave it Harry, please. I don't want to explain, I can not explain, okay?" I whispered in tears. "WHY? Why?" He yelled first, but got softer as he noticed my reaction. "I just can't tell okay? It happened too much." I said and opened the door. "I'm sorry." I quickly said before I left him alone in the public bathroom.

My feet brought me back to where I stood when I saw Casey about an our ago. The chair at the desk was now empty and the officer who took care of him was also nowhere to be seen.

"Excuse me Miss Tomlinson?" Another Officer asked me. "May I ask, if you are looking for something?" the man asked politely. "You may sir, where did you bring Casey?" I asked with a lot of confidence in my voice.

"We brought him into interrogation room number 4." the officer answered my question and I started to walk off. "Miss, wait. I don't think you are allow.." He started but I interrupted him. "I think I know what I am allowed to do and what I'm not allowed to. Thank you."

Then I turned to the corridor with the interrogation rooms and stopped infront of room 4. I would only go behind the glass window if I even would go in. My hands got sweaty and my heartbeat quickened.

"Excuse me Mister, you can't.." I heard the Officer that I just talked to again. "I don't care." I heard a very pissed off Harry Styles.

As he walked arround the corner his eyes immidiately focused on me and he started to walk towards me. I opened the door and went in before he could reach me and locked the room, along with putting on the "Don't disturb" sign on.

Sighing I turned around and noticed the man who recorded everything looking at me a bit confused.

I smiled at him and nodded. He seemed to be satisfied with it and got back into work.

I dared to go close to the window, but until now, I didn't have the courage to look into the room where Casey was sitting.

As I finally managed to gain enough confidence to look up, I immidiately regretted it and started screaming at the top of my lungs. Casey was standing right in front of me, about one inch away from the other side of the glass.

The officer behind me jumped at my scream, but didn't say a word. I knew Casey couldn't hear me or see me, but his behaviour made me feel like he knew exactly I was behind the glass.

Casey started laughing histerically just as I managed to catch my breath. "Can you make me hear what he says?" I asked the officer who pressed a button, so I could hear what is said in Caseys room.

He suddenly made a complete straight face and came close to the glass again.

"I know you're in there Lia." He said smiling and looked at his feet. "I can feel you." he whispered and looked up at where he assumed my eyes must be and he managed to look exacctly into my eyes. Tears where stinging in my eyes, but I managed to hold them back somehow.

"Do you want to know why I know you're here? Because I saw the fear in your eyes, just like your little friend that came along with you. And I know you can't get enough of me. I know you liked what I did to you." He started, tears were now streaming down my face.

I heard the door behind me open and close.

"How I made you feel." Casey continued.

"How I appreciated every inch of your body."

"How I touched you." he said, my stomach turned and I fell to my knees.

"How I made love to you." By now I was crawled up into a ball, crying hysterically and trying to manage to keep my own vomit inside of me.

"Turn that off!!" Someone commanded harshly and Casey was no longer to be heard.

"Lia." the same voice said and sat down next to me. I noticed it was Louis.

"What are you doing here baby girl?" He asked as he pulled me into his chest.

That's when I quickly made it over to the bin and vomitted.

Louis came after me and drew circles on my back to calm me down.

"Are you feeling a bit better now?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"No." I said with a shaky voice.

"Why are you here?" Louis asked me once more. "I wanted to hear why he did all of this to me." I told Louis.

Louis helped me up and hugged me. "I don't think doing this here was the right one to find that out. Harry is waiting for you outside, he will bring you home okay?" Louis asked me.

"I want him to bring me to the Villa. I don't feel secure here." I told Louis honestly.

Louis told me it was fine and walked to the door with me and onto the hallway, where Harry was sitting on the floor, his back and head against the wall.

He stood up when he noticed me and Louis walking out of the room.

"Can you bring her to the Villa? She rather stay there than here." Louis told Harry, hugging my tightly one last time, before Harry and me left.

A Common Life // One Direction& 5Sos - Sequel to Separated LivesWhere stories live. Discover now