Chapter 20

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"Try to sleep a bit,huh? It was a hard day for you." Harry suggested as he walked over to the couch.

"Okay." I said quietly and lay down under the sheets. Harry lay down on the couch and scrolled through his phone.

I closed my eyes and soon I was asleep.

When I woke up I felt someone laying behind me. I turned around and my eyes met Louis' eyes.

Frowning I looked at him. He looked sader than he did earlier when he tried to calm me down. "What do you want?" I more whispered.

"I'm sorry. I promised you not to tell anyone and I broke it. And I can totally understand when you are mad at me. Just wanted you to know that I'm really truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me." Louis explained me.

That was literally the cutest I had ever seen. Slowly I began to smile, while he was turning around. My arm wrapped around his torso and pulled him gently back to me. He turned to look at me and gave me a questioning look.

"I forgive you Tommy. They would have found out anyway." I said and cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "You won't believe me how happy I am to have you back." He said and I grinned into his chest.

"I do believe, because I am as happy as you are." I said.

"Stop being all cute and shit, it makes me wanna vomit all over my floor." We heard Harry groan from the couch and I began to laugh very hard.

"You are just jealous because you are not laying here with me." I said and wiggled my eyebrows looking at him.

He pouted and turned around so he was facing the wall.

I stood up and walked over to the couch. I lay down next to him and hugged him.

"You're so cute when you act like you're mad at me." I said into his back and I heard him chuckle. "You know no one could ever stay mad at you for more than 5 minutes." He said and I stood up.

"Well I hope you're right with that Haz." I said and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Louis and Harry said in unision.

"Just downstairs. I wanna watch a movie." I said and made my way to the movie room.

As I was about to open the door I heard noises from inside. Obviously there was already someone watching a movie.

Not caring about it I made my way inside and saw Liam sitting there, watching Harry Potter.

I plumped down next to him and lay my head on his chest. He put an arm over me and I sighed.

"Tough day, huh?" He asked and I hummed in agreement. By the scene we were watching I could tell Liam had just started the movie.

Halfway through the movie I felt my eyes getting heavier. Suddenly they closed entirely and I was asleep.

When I woke up, I was still laying in the movie room, a blanket over me and the movie was finished.

"Slept well?" I heard Liam ask from behing the couch.

"Pretty much yes." I smiled at him slighty.

I didn't sleep that well though, because I dreamed about the boys fight. That's when I noticed something.

Someone. I need someone.

Someone to listen to me, someone I can tell every detail without feeling the need of being ashamed. Suddenly I couldn't hold it back anymore.

Sitting up I folded the blanket and put it on the edge of the sofa.

My feet brought me rather slow out of the room and over to the living room, where I found the person I was looking for.


"Tommy?" I asked quietly. His head shot up and he smiled at me. "What's the matter baby girl?" He asked me. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I said a little bit shyly. "Of course." He said and waited for me to start. "Alone." I said, scanning the room and spotting some of the other boys in here.

"Sure thing, let's go upstairs." Louis said standing up.

Walking before him, I decided to go to my mother's room instead of my room. We walked in and sat down on the bed, across from each other.

"Is something wrong?" Louis asked me serious, with a hint of concern in his voice. "Well yeah,'s hard to explain." I said and looked at my hands.

A Common Life // One Direction& 5Sos - Sequel to Separated LivesWhere stories live. Discover now