Chapter 9

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*Lia's POV*

I began to wake up. My eyes were still closed and I didn't dare to move. My recollection came forward and everything that happened yesterday came to my mind again. Me leaving the Villa to go for a walk. The man following me,  pressing that cloth to my face and shoving me into the trunk of his car.

I remained silent and listened, hoping to hear something that would give me a clue of where I actually was right now.  All I could hear was water, which dripped down next to me on the floor in regular intervals. I groaned silently. Everything hurt. Collecting as much courage as I had left, I dared to open my eyes.  

My eyes wandered around the small room I was in. It wasn't that much of a room actually. It was more  a small control room of the...sewage system of New York? Darkness and silence filled the room. My eyes got used to the darkness quite fast so I could finally make out some details. I lay on a mattress that was already soaking wet from the water Everywhere were pipes. The room was full of mold and the air was thin and full of musty smell.

To my left side was a heavy metal door with an emergency exit sign on it. Shaky I stood up and tried to walk over to the door, but I was interrupted by a hobble that didn't let me go any further than one meter away from the mattress. My eyes wandered around the room again, there were no windows and the light bulb on the ceiling was out and probably not working anyways. 

I bowed down and tried to get rid of the hobble. Just in that moment the door opened and the man from earlier came in.

"What are you doing?" the man yelled at me. I flinched and fell back onto the mattress. "Let me go!" I said as loud as I could, but the man just laughed at me. "Shut up you stupid little bitch!" he said and slapped me hard. I groaned in pain. 

"You won't go anywhere! Remember that! And don't you dare talking unless I told you to speak!" he said. "You can't tell me what to do!" I argued just to get slapped again, soon followed by kicks in the stomach. "I told you to shut up and do what I say! Got me?" He yelled into my face, I began to cry silently. "I ASKED YOU SOMETHING!" He yelled at me, his hand already balled into a fist. "Yes." I said and slid closer to the wall behind me.

"Good." he said and looked at me. 

Even though I didn't get kicked or slapped for quite a long time, I was still used to it, thanks to the bullying at school. Wrong place, wrong time, Lia. I thought.

Suddenly he began to smirk and came closer to me. "Why don't we two have a little bit of fun huh?" he said, his face just inches away from mine. My eyes widened, realizing what he had just said. "Nooo! NOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to hit and kick him, but he was stronger than me. 

He turned me, so I lay on my back, my wrists pinned down on either side of my head. "You are mine now, So you do what I say and when I say we'll have fun, we'll have fun." he said softly. "DO YOU GET ME?" he suddenly yelled and I began to cry harder. "Please, don't. Let me go please, please." I begged him but he just laughed and began to undress himself.

My stomach twisted and I felt like I was about to throw up. When He was down to only wearing his boxers he began to undress me. I tried to free myself and fought back as much as I could but he just  beat me unconscious.

When I woke up again, he was dressing himself up again, my clothes were spread all over the floor. I grabbed a blanket that lay to my feet and covered myself with it. He left the room smiling and I broke down crying. 

This was more than a nightmare. I wish he would just kill me instead of doing this to me. I grabbed all my clothes and dressed up again, disgusted by myself, even though it wasn't my fault.

He had just  raped me and by the look on his face as he left I could tell this would probably not be the last time he did it. Loud sobs escaped my mouth and filled the room with a strange tension. I sat down in the edge of the room, my legs pulled to my chest as close as it was possible. my head laying on my knees. 

How can someone do this? What have I done that I have to go through this? 

My mind wandered to Ashton and the others, they were probably worried sick about me, I just hope they will find me.

The door opened again and I began to scream again, I was so afraid he'd do it again, he just looked at e disgusted and threw something on the mattress. He then closed the door and locked it three times. 

I slowly scooted over to the mattress, to see what he threw there. It was bread and a bottle of water. I put it under the blanket.

I didn't feel like eating or drinking something, I only felt like puking. I felt so dirty.

All I wanted to do was run out that door and home.

I thought about Ashton again.

Please come and save me.

A Common Life // One Direction& 5Sos - Sequel to Separated LivesWhere stories live. Discover now