Chapter Seventeen

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Niamh and William are sat on the couch in William's apartment when there's a knock at the door.

'You expecting anyone?' Niamh queries.

'No.' William shakes his head. 'I'll be right back.' William gets up and goes to answer the door. When she recognises Hondo's voice, she stands up and walks to the door. She see's Hondo and Deacon standing in the doorway with serious looks on their faces.

'Hey, what's up?' Niamh asks.

'Can we talk to you?' Hodo questions.

'Sure.' Niamh nods.

'Come in.' William sighs. Hondo and Deacon walk into the apartment and Niamh closes the door.

'Daniel, Callum and Michelle Shaw were found dead a few hours ago.' Hondo informs her.

'They're- they're dead?' Niamh chokes out.

'Where were you yesterday between 4pm and 10pm?' Deacon queries.

'I had a meeting with Charlie at 2pm until about 2:30 and then I went to the seafront.' Niamh replies.

'She showed up here at about 9:30 and we headed to the movie theatre.' William adds.

'You didn't go back to the group home?' Hondo raises an eyebrow.

'I spoke to Charlie a few days ago about staying here because the movie was so late.' Niamh responds.

'You seriously don't think she had something to do this, do you?' William steps in.

'We'd like to ask you some questions down at the station.' Deacon tells Niamh. Niamh says nothing, just nods.

'You're arresting her?!' William explains.

'Not yet.' Hondo shakes his head, looking at him. 'Not unless we have a solid reason to. At the moment, she's only a suspect and we only have a couple of pieces of evidence that forensics are still working on. All we want to do is ask her some questions.'

'Will, it's fine.' Niamh puts a hand on his shoulder. 'They're right to suspect me given everything that's happened.' She looks at Hondo and Deacon. 'Can I just have a second to get something?'

'Sure.' Hondo smiles slightly and nods. Niamh walks into the bathroom and returns a few minutes later with a small make-up pouch. She hands it to Hondo. 'What's this?'

'My emergency medication. It will save you having to call for medical.' Niamh sighs. 'If I start to get overworked I need to take one of the tablets. If I'm out of control, stab one of the needles into my upper arm. We're going to be talking about the Shaws - I'll need them.'

'No, you won't, because I'm coming with you.' William goes to take his jacket off the coat hook but Niamh stops him.

'Not this time.' Niamh shakes her head. 'I need to do this alone.' She adds. 'Without you butting in or barging into the room.' William sighs and nods in resignation. 'I'll be fine.' She turns her attention back to Hondo and Deacon as she takes her own jacket off the hook. 'I'm ready.'


Arriving at S.W.A.T HQ, Hondo and Deacon take Niamh into the Interrogation and sit her at the table. Hondo places Niamh's med kit on the table just in case. They sit in the chairs opposite her. She has agreed to speak to them without Charlie or one of the care workers in the room.

'You were the last person Daniel, Callum and Michelle Shaw called before they were killed.' Hondo states. 'What did they want.' Niamh just shakes her head.

'Niamh, we want to really believe that you had nothing to do with their murders but right now, you're our only suspect.' Deacon states. 'You were heard threatening to kill them and at this moment in time you have no solid alibi.'

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