Chapter Ten

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It has been a couple of weeks. Niamh is well enough to return to school. She is sat at her bench in her biology class. Since her teacher, Mr Campbell, likes to have lab partners be one girl and one boy, she sits alone, as does another girl, Lisa, in the class. Just as the bell rings to signal the start of the class, the principal, Mr Cartright walks in with Daniel and Callum Shaw. As soon as she sees them, they smirk at her and she freezes. After a few minutes of talking with Mr Campbell, Mr Cartright leaves. 

'Listen up everyone!' Mr Campbell gathers everyone's attention. They all settle down and look at him. 'This is Daniel and Callum. They'll be joining this class.' Niamh shakes her leg, trying to keep herself from losing it, even though she knows what's coming next. 'Daniel, if you sit next to Niamh,' Mr Campbell tells Daniel, pointing in Niamh's direction.

'There's no chance in hell he is sitting next to me.' Niamh speaks up. 

'Then Callum-' Mr Campbell starts to say. 

'Or him.' Niamh adds. 

'Miss Corrigan, one of them is going to have to sit next to you.' Mr Campbell states. 

'Why can't you just put me with Lisa?' She asks. 'We've been pairing up on assignments anyway.' 

'You know my rule.' Mr Campbell says. 

'I don't want to sit next to either of them.' Niamh points to Daniel and Callum as she stands up. 'You can't make me say or do anything I'm not comfortable with.' 

'Miss Corrigan, if I were you, I'd think very carefully about what you say or do next.' Mr Campbell warns. 

'If you sit either of them next to me, I will walk out of this classroom.' Niamh threatens.

'Daniel, sit next to Niamh.' Mr Campbell instructs. 

'Yes, sir,' Daniel nods. Daniel walks to Niamh's desk. Niamh huffs, collects all of her things and stuffs them into her backpack. 

'Miss Corrigan, sit down.' Mr Campbell orders.

'I told you what would happen if you sit him next to me.' Niamh narrows her eyes at him. She goes to walk off but Daniel stands in her way. 'Get out of my way.' 

'Or what, Niamh-boo?' Daniel whispers. 'We both know I am far more stronger than you. Or don't you remember?' Tears well up in her ears. She pushes past Daniel and walks to the front desk. 

'Don't expect back in your class.' Niamh says. 

'I will see you in detention for the rest of the week, Miss Corrigan.' Mr Campbell informs the young girl, handing her a detention slip. Niamh just simply rips it up. 

'We both know you can't give me detention for that.' Niamh states before walking out of the classroom. She walks down the hall, finds an empty music room and walks in. She closes the door, chucks her bag across the room and slides down the door crying. Shaking, she gets her phone out and calls William. 

'Niamh?' William answers his phone almost immediately. 'What's wrong?' He asks.

'I- I need you.' Niamh's voice cracks.

'I'll be there in ten.


Ten minutes later, William is walking into the school. Since he is a former student and the school knows he helps Niamh with her PTSD, the receptionist didn't see any problem letting him in. He looks at the phone and see's the text that Niamh sent him, telling him where she is. He finds the music room and gently knocks on the door. 

'Niamh.' He asks as he walks in. Niamh has moved from the door and to the corner of the room. As soon as he sees her, knees to her chest, crying and hyperventilating, he rushes over to her and kneels in front of her. 'Niamh, hey.' He takes her hands. 'It's okay. Breathe.' He helps her through her breathing exercises for a few minutes until she's breathing normally again. He wipes away her tears with his sleeve. 'What happened?' 

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