Chapter Sixteen

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Jesse has finished Niamh's observations and blood draw and is now looking after another patient, leaving Niamh alone. Leanne approaches the bed and closes the curtains around it. She sits on a stool next to the bed.

'Hi Niamh,' Leanne smiles slightly, 'I've called your social worker. He's on his way.'


'You told the nurse at the desk that you were drugged and-'

'Raped.' Niamh finishes. 'Yeah.'

'How long ago did it happen?' Leanne asks.

'A few hours ago.' Niamh replies.

'I saw in your file that it's happened before.' Leanne says. 'Was it the same person?'

'People.' Niamh corrects her. 'And yeah. They've done it to me before.'

'Are the police aware?' Leanne queries.

'No.' Niamh shakes her head. 'It's a long story, one that I'd rather not get into right now.'

'That's completely fine.' Leanne nods understandably. 'Are you willing to have a rape kit done?'

'I-' Niamh's voice croaks. 'I don't know.' She shakes her head.

'Why don't I give you some space to think about it.' Leanne says.

'Yes, please.' Niamh nods. Leanne stands up.

'Is there anything we can get for you? Water or a snack?' Leanne offers.

'I'll be fine.' Niamh shakes her head. 'Can you not tell my social worker the real reason I'm here?'

'He needs to know.' Leanne states.

'Can you at least put a spin on the truth?' Niamh asks. 'Like that I was drugged at a coffee shop or somewhere? I just don't want him to know that I was raped again.'

'If you don't want him to know that you were raped, we won't tell him. However, we do need to tell him that you were drugged.' Leanne replies. 'We won't say the nature of how it happened, we'll just say it happened.'

'Thanks.' Niamh nods appreciatively.

'I'll be back when we have your blood work results.' Leanne says before walking out, leaving the curtains open. A couple of moments later, Niamh's phone rings, she picks it up and, without looking at the caller ID, answers it. They speak before she can say anything.

'Bitch, you're gonna wish you hadn't stepped foot in that hospital.' She hears Daniel say.

'Look, I only came here to get checked out.' Niamh states. 'I don't know what you drugged me with and I don't know if you've given me any STDs.'

'Sweetcheeks, you know us better than that.' Daniel says. She can hear the smirk through the phone. 'You know we'd never give you anything that might cause a reaction and we use protection.'

'I just want to be sure.' Niamh replies. 'I won't tell them anything. I promise.'

'I know you won't.' Daniel states. 'Because if you do, you're dead.' He then hangs up. Niamh lowers the phone from her ear just as Jesse walks in with Charlie.

'Hey.' Niamh smiles slightly.

'I'll leave you two to talk.' Jesse states. 'Dr Rorish will be in once we have your blood work back.' He then walks off leaving Charlie and Niamh alone. Charlie sits on the stool next to Niamh's bed.

'They told me you were drugged.' Charlie starts. 'What happened?'

'I was in the coffee shop around the corner when I started to feel light headed. It was not long after I finished my drink so I went to talk to the barista. They drove me here to get checked over.' Niamh explains, lying. 'But I feel fine now.'

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