Chapter Eighteen

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'Did Charlie speak to you about what's going to happen?' Jim queries.

'What do you mean?' Niamh asks confused.

'I take that as a no.' Jim laughs slightly.

'It's not his fault.' Niamh says quietly. 'We cut the meeting really short. We didn't talk about much.' She adds. 'Why?'

'Well,' Jim starts, 'I know this may seem like it's happening fast, but, we've officially started the paperwork for me to become your guardian.'

Meanwhile, in the Tech room, Hondo, Deacon, Tan and Luca are looking up at the screens with a map and some CCTV screen captures.

'We found some CCTV footage by the seafront, she was there from 4 to 6. Some of the time she was sitting, some of the time she was walking around. She looks clearly distressed but no one else seems to notice.' Luca tells Hondo and Deacon.

'What about between 6 pm and 10 pm?' Hondo asks.

'We used facial rec and a CCTV cam picked her up at a park at about 6:45.' Tan states. 'There's no way she could have gotten from the seafront, to the murder scene, to the park in 45 minutes. Either on foot or in a car.'

'She was there for an hour and a half before leaving.' Luca continues. 'Next time cams picked her up was at 8 pm. She went to a store not that far from the park. Her credit card info showed she'd bought a couple of cans of soda. She then proceeded to sit against the wall in the alley until 9 pm. She proceeded to book an Uber to take her to William's apartment, credit card info and her Uber history confirm this. Apartment building CCTV confirmed she arrived at his apartment door at 9:32 pm. She didn't leave again at any point.'

'So there's no way she could have gotten to the murder scene at any point during our window?' Deacon asks them.

'No.' Tan shakes his head.

'So it's looking like she's innocent.' Hondo says, relieved. 'Did you pick anything up from CCTV footage around the crime scene?'

'No.' Luca shakes his head. 'All CCTV was switched off. The killer probably knew where the cameras were.'

'Let's go tell Niamh she can go.' Hondo says to Deacon. They both start walking back to the interrogation room. 'She can wait in the kitchen with Street until her social worker gets here.'

'He should have been here by now.' Deacon looks at his watch. Just as they're about to enter the interrogation room, Hicks runs up to them.

'What did Tan and Luca find?' He asks them.

'Niamh's alibi checks out. They couldn't get anything CCTV footage from around the crime scene.' Hondo replies.

'Forensics just came back on the fingerprints we found.' Hicks states. 'They don't match Niamh's.'

'But.' Deacon adds, sensing there's more.

'We got a hit.' Hicks says. 'Charlie Smith. Her social worker. Is he here yet?'

'No.' Hondo shakes his head.

'I'll get an APB and BOLO sent out. Don't let Nimah know yet. Just tell her that her alibi checks out and that she's free to go. I don't think she's in the mindset to find out her social worker is responsible.'

'Right.' Hondo nods.

'I've contacted CPS. One of her care workers and an on-duty social worker are on their way. They'll explain the situation to Niamh with you.' Hicks states.

'Okay.' Hondo nods. Hicks walks away and both Deacon and Hondo walk into the Interrogation room. Jim and Niamh are still sitting on the floor whilst Chris is sitting at the table. They all look at them. 'Niamh your alibi checks out.' Niamh smiles slightly. 'An on-duty social worker and one of the care workers from the home are on their way.'

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