Chapter Eight

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It has been a few weeks. Niamh has gotten to know the rest of the 20-David team more. Street walks into Niamh's hospital room and sees that she's stood beside her bed, packing her bag. 

'Hey.' He grins. Niamh looks at him and smiles. 'You're being discharged?'

'Yeah.' Niamh nods, turning to face him. 'The doctors came in about 15 minutes ago.' 

'What did they say?' Street asks. 

'To just take it easy which means no sport for another few months at least, which is going to drive me crazy.' 

'Well, you did have major abdominal surgery.' Street points out the obvious. 'Is Charlie picking you up?' 

'He's already here.' Niamh nods. 'He's just sorting out my discharge paperwork and waiting for my pain meds and then I'm outta here.' 

'What about your boyfriend?' Street asks jokingly. 

'He's not my boyfriend.' Niamh says as she picks up a pillow and throws it at him. Street laughs as he catches the pillow. 

'Come on.' Street laughs. 'He's been here everyday. From the moment you wake to the moment you fall asleep.' 

'He was worried about me. I'm all he has.' Niamh replies. 'He's going to come and see me at the group home later.' Se adds. 'Are you not in work today?'

'I'm on call, they'll call me if I'm needed.' Street tells her. Just then, Charlie walks in. 

'Ah, Jim. You're here.' Charlie smiles. 'I was just about to call you.' Charlie looks at Niamh. 'I've got your pain meds,' he holds up the paper bag with her prescription, 'paperwork is all signed so you're officially discharged.' 

'Thank god.' Niamh sighs in relief. Charlie turns to look at Street. 

'I'm going to take Niamh for breakfast before taking her home. Do you want to join us? I need to speak to you two together anyway. It saves me setting up another meeting.' He says. 

'Sure.' Street nods. 'Text me the address.' 


An hour later, Charlie, Niamh and Street are sitting at a table in a breakfast diner. They have just finished eating.

'It's so nice to eat something that isn't processed shit.' Niamh laughs. 

'So, what did you want to talk to us about?' Street asks Charlie. 

'About visiting arrangements.' Charlie starts. 'I don't have anything about you two seeing each other whenever you want.' He adds. 'As for Karen,' he looks at Niamh, 'you are not allowed to see her unless myself AND one of the care workers at the home are with you.' 

'Okay.' Niamh nods.

'And you need to be taking your meds every day, your PTSD meds and your pain meds. You'll have to take them in the office so that the care workers know that you're taking them.' Niamh nods agreeing. 'And if you see any of the Shaws, even if you think you see them-'

'I'll call you straight away.' Niamh finishes for him. 'You've said it enough times.'

'I mean it Niamh.' Charlie raises an eyebrow. 'The last time you saw one of them, you didn't tell me and then you had a breakdown. I just want you to be safe.' 

'I know.' Niamh nods quietly. Street's work phone then alerts him to an emergency. He gets it out and looks at it. 

'I have to go.' He looks up at them. He stands up, puts his phone back in his pocket and gets his wallet out to pay for his share of the bill. 

'Don't worry about it.' Charlie tells him. 'I was the one that asked you to come with us, I'll pay.' Jim nods and puts his wallet back in his pocket. 

'I'll see yous soon.' Street tells them. Niamh and Street do the handshake that the came up with. 


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'Stay safe out there.' Niamh says. 

'Of course.' Street flashes a smile before rushing off.


A few hours later, Niamh is in the living room reading a book - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue By V.E. Schwab - when Joe, the head care worker walks in. 

'Niamh,' he starts and she turns to face him, 'William's here.' 

'Thanks.' Niamh smiles. She puts her bookmark mark in her book, closes her book, stands up and walks out into the hallway. 'Hey.' She smiles as they hug gently. 'Shall we go outside?' William nods and they both walk outside and sit on the bench swing. As they are sitting down, Niamh winces in pain. 

'You good?'  William asks her. 

'Yeah.' Niamh nods. 'The docs said to expect a lot of pain when sitting down.' She places the book beside her. 

'You have any pain meds?' William questions. 

'I took some about half an hour ago.' Niamh replies. She sits back and puts her head on her friend's shoulder. As she does, William puts his arm around her shoulders. Moments later, they hear someone making kissing sounds. They look behind them and see some of the other young people, Ellie, George and Abbey, grouped together and smiling at them. 

'Just kiss already.' Ellie laughs. Both Niamh and William roll their eyes. 

'We're just friends.' Nimah says.

'Mmhh-hmmm.' Abbey smirks. 'Whatever you say.' She adds before the three of them walk away. William and Niamh go back to their positions. 

'What, can't a girl and boy be friends?' William laughs. 

'Obviously not.' Niamh laughs back. Before either of them can say anything else, Niamh's phone rings. She sees that it's Chris so she answers it and puts it to her ear. 'Hey, Chris, what's up.' 

'Niamh,' Chris exhales, 'I don't want to freak out but Street - Jim - your brother' she adds, not knowing what to refer to Street as to her, 'he's been in an accident.' 


Kinda a boring chapter, I know! There is a big-ish storyline in the works (the start of which may already be more or less written!) coming up!

Do you think there's more to Niamh and William's friendship than meets the eye?

Let me know what you think!

Let me know what you think!

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