Chapter Four

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He looks at the time and sees that it's getting late. 'Do you want me to drop you off at the group home?' Niamh nods. They both put their seatbelts on, Street turns the light off and starts driving to the group home. 


Ten minutes later, Street is pulling up in front of the group home. He turns to Niamh.

'Do you want me to come in with you and tell them what's happened?' Street asks.

'No.' Niamh shakes her head. 'They'll only worry and stop me from going out to protect me.'

'Are you sure?' Street checks.

'Yeah.' Niamh nods. 'I'll be fine. Thanks for the ride.' She adds.

'No problem.' Street smiles as Niamh takes her seatbelt off. She turns to get out of the car. 'Niamh.' Niamh turns back around to face Street. He reaches into his glove box, takes our a scrap piece of paper and a pen and writes his number down. 'This is my number.' He hands her the piece of paper. 'Call me or text me whenever you need to. I know this isn't the right way to go about things and it will most likely get messy when CPS find out but if it means that I can be there for you, it's worth the risk.' 

'Thank you.' Niamh smiles back before getting out of the car and walking up to the home and through the door. Once Street sees that she's safely inside, he drives away.

When Niamh walks in through the front door, Lisa, who is the night care worker, walks out of the office.

'There you are.' Lisa sighs. 'I was starting to get worried.'

'Sorry.' Niamh apologises as she takes her coat off and hangs it up.

'Are you okay?' Lisa asks, noticing that Niamh has been crying.

'I'm fine.' Niamh nods. 'Just a tough day.'

'Nichelle from the community centre called me earlier and told me what happened.' Lisa tells her. Niamh looks down to the floor. 'Why don't we talk in the office?' 

'I'm fine.' Niamh repeats. 'I just want to go to sleep.'

'We'll talk in the morning then.' Lisa says.

'I'd rather not talk about it.' Niamh replies. 'I spoke to William about it.' 

'Isn't S.W.A.T looking for him?' Lisa asks confused. 

'They spoke to him and cleared him.' Niamh responds. 'I'll see you in the morning.' She then walks up the stairs and to her room. 


It's 11 am the next day. Niamh has just come back from her run. She walks into the kitchen and sees that William is sat at the table talking with Joe.

'Hey, what are you doing here?' Niamh asks as she walks over to them. 

'I just wanted to check on you.' William states.

'Will told me that you haven't been taking your meds.' Joe says. 'That's why you had the episode yesterday.' Niamh looks to the floor. 'I've made you an appointment to meet with your psychologist to see if we can try some other medication.' 

'Okay.' Niamh nods as she looks up.

'Until then-' Joe starts.

'You want to see me take my meds every morning.' Niamh finishes. 

'Yeah.' Joe nods. 'I've got to do some paperwork. If you two are going to go out, Niamh, you need to let me know.' 

'Okay.' Niamh nods. Joe then stands up and walks to the office. 

'Funny he should say that.' William says to Niamh. 'I also came to ask if you wanted to go to the movie theatre with me? We can grab dinner afterwards.'

'Sure.' Niamh smiles and nods. 'I'll just go and get freshened up.' Niamh walks away and goes upstairs. She has a quick wash and fixes her hair before getting changed into a cream knitted jumper, black skinny jeans and white trainers. 

 45 minutes later, she walks back into the kitchen

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 45 minutes later, she walks back into the kitchen.

'You took your time.' William laughs. 

'I wasn't even an hour.' Niamh remarks. 'What film do you want to see?' 

'I was thinking Birds of Prey.' William suggests. 

'Great, let's go.' Niamh grins.


It's been two hours, Street runs into the briefing room after getting off the phone with Niamh. 

'There's a hostage situation at the Alamo Drafthouse!' He announces. 


Let me know what you think!

Much love

Much love

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