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this chapter is dedicated to everyone on tiktok who didn't know that i wrote this book. hey!

-bee <3


"was nice seeing you after all this time. brought back some weird shit in my head. i've missed you."

eddie must have said that over and over and over again in his mind. did richie really think that? actually?

or was it just a ploy?

richie had always been so obsessed? like he'd always been obsessed with eddie.

eddie remembered high school so vividly. he remembered his movie cheerleader lifestyle. the quarterback boyfriend, the nice house, the picture perfect friends, straight As, popularity.

he threw that lifestyle away for richie.

he didn't regret a thing.

but sometimes he remembered what life was like. sometime he wondered how his life would have turned out if he had just stayed with henry.

sure he was miserable, but eddie didn't even know that he was miserable until he met richie. eddie thought that he was happy with henry until richie came along. maybe they were happy, maybe eddie was just a bit happier with richie.

eddie knew that wasn't true, he knew that henry only made him think that he was happy. they weren't a happy couple at all.

eddie sat in the lounge, waiting for bev to get home. he had yet to tell her anything. eddie almost felt bad. he knew that keeping secrets was bad, his mother always told him that.

but from his best friend? that wasn't cool.

eddie was half asleep on the couch when the front door shut, making him jump from his place. beverly let out a laugh as he did so.

"hey man, not cool!" eddie said, regaining his composure. bev set her keys and bag on the counter, walking into the lounge and throwing herself onto the couch next to eddie.

"sorry, eds." the red head laughed again. bev's laugh had always been contagious, it was eddies favorite thing about her. he sat up and leaned his head on her shoulder.

"i gotta tell you something." bev looked down and eddie could feel that she was nodding. he tried to prepare himself, he didn't really know why. it was just richie. and it was just bev. it was okay.

"what's goin on?" bev asked softly.

"i went out for coffee with richie. he wanted me to tell you he said hello." bev was silent. not angry silent, just silent. it was a peaceful silence, eddie knew that.

"why did you meet him? what happened? tell me more."

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