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another short one but i'm leading up to a big chapter so :)


"so that's it? you're going?" richie stormed into eddies room. it was an early saturday morning, the sun barely out. it was a nice day out, and even though it was mid july, it was quite cool outside.

eddie had been placing the last remaining things into his carry on when richie burst through the door.

"hello to you too." eddie said, zipping up the bag. he brought the carry on bag to the floor and set it next to his suitcase. moving from there to his bed, eddie avoided eye contact with richie, taking a seat on his made bed.

"were you just not going to tell me you were going?" richie stayed at the door, but his eyes moved everywhere eddie did. he was furious, though he really didn't want to be. he couldn't help the anger that he felt.

"i was going to tell you."

"when? when you were already fucking massachusetts?"

"you sound like henr-" eddie regretted his words the second that they left his mouth.

richie nodded, throwing his hands up. he looked down, a small laugh coming from his throat.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean that." eddie said.

"funny you mention him, huh eds?" eddie looked at him, confusion spreading across his face. richie looked up, meeting eddies eyes, a sad smile spreading across the taller boys face.

"what is that supposed to mean?" eddie questioned, still confused as to what richie was saying.

"henry is the one that told me you were leaving. funny how he knew that but i didn't." eddie felt his stomach drop. this whole time he thought that his mom had told richie the news, as he mom could never keep anything to her self and the two had seemed to be close.

"richie listen, i-"

"oh that's not all he said either, eddie. he told me that he's even been to massachusetts with you. that you guys went on vacation together last summer. now you see, i wasn't expecting an invitation, but i did think that you'd at least talk to me about this before making up your mind and then leaving."

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