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TRIGGER WARNINGS: panic attack, anxiety, vomiting.
AN: Bonjour bitches! I did it!! Here's your third story for the day. I have an idea for another so I won't be gone for long. Vote and comment :)
~corpse pov~
"Come on! We have plans and you have to follow through!"

"I really don't feel well, Sykkuno, I think I just need to stay home today."

"No, you need to do this, it's just your brain getting in the way of our fun."

"I-I don't know. I really don't want to leave home."

"Go get changed, we're going and it's gonna be fun."

I sigh and nod, going to my room.

I know he's right, it's just my anxiety telling me that it's not safe to leave the apartment, but when it's this bad I have trouble ignoring it. My stomach is a mess, rolling and twisting, and I feel nauseous. My palms are sweating and I start pacing without even thinking about it.

"You almost ready?" He asks.

"Y-yeah," I choke out.

Without giving the clothes I put on any consideration I'm ready in a few more minutes. My hands are shaking and my whole body is screaming that I shouldn't do this. I'm not safe I'm not safe I'm not safe.

"Just chill out dude, let's go," Sykkuno sighs, seeming irritated. Great, now I'm annoying him along with feeling sick. If I could stop feeling this way I would.

We go out to his car and I nearly throw up at the thought of truly leaving, but I do it anyway. He turns on the radio and tries to make small talk with me but I'm useless. My brain is racing a hundred miles an hour and I can only come up with noncommittal replies because I'm not processing what he's saying.

"We're here, let's go in," he chirps, acting as though nothing is wrong.

I gulp and nod, looking up at the sporting goods store. He wanted me to come shopping with him today and then we're supposed to get lunch. There's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to eat though. In fact, I haven't eaten all morning. My stomach is empty but I've been too nauseous to eat anything so now I feel as though I'm on the verge of passing out.

We enter the store and Thomas heads over to the Nike stuff, looking at some shirts that are probably way overpriced. I try to fake it till I make it but I know I'm failing. I'm used to wearing masks but I feel slightly suffocated by it today.

We leave that store after a while and he drags me to another. After that, he takes me to a third, seemingly unaffected by my crumbling health.

I'm wandering around the shoe section of a random place he needed to make a return at when my hearing goes out. Of course not completely but there's a high-pitched ringing and then it sounds like I'm underwater. This officially sends me into a panic attack.

My eyes fill with tears and I gag, a warning that I'm about to throw up. I run to the bathroom even though I'm not sure how I know exactly where it is. I've never been to this store before. I run into a stall and rip my mask off before I collapse onto my knees and vomit. Not much comes up and it doesn't make me feel better. When I try to stand up the whole room shifts and I have to sit back down.

I pull out my phone and touch Sykkuno's contact, calling him.

"Corpse, where the fuck did you go?"

"I-I'm in the b-bathroom. I threw up, I need to go home."

"You don't need to go home, you need to man the fuck up. Get back out here right now."

"I can't!"

"Yes, you can! You're making all of this up in your psycho little brain! You're fucking fine, so suck it up and stop being a drama queen."

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