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TRIGGER WARNINGS: anxiety, vomiting
AN: This is probably the last "anxious corpse" fic I'm gonna do for a while cause I've got other ideas for him, but Eliza0978 waited very patiently for their request and I figured I should do it. Hope you like it, comment and vote plz.
~corpse pov~
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? The guys wouldn't mind if I hung around," Sykkuno offers for the millionth time today.

"Dude, I told you, I'm good, it's just Jack and Mark."

"Okay, as long as you're-"

"I'm sure!"

"Alright, sorry."

"I'll be back in the morning, don't get attacked by bats or something while I'm gone."

"Yeah yeah, have a good time."

I grab my overnight bag which consists of a bottle of vodka, a sweatshirt, and a toothbrush. Just what everyone needs for a collaboration.

I put on my mask and hood before giving Thomas a little wave and heading out to my car. I'm basically a nervous wreck the whole drive. It's the perfect storm of things I'm scared of, being away from the safety of my home, being in public (only while I driving but still), making YouTube content, and being around other people. I really like Jack and Mark but I haven't spent much time with them when it's not a group or online.

By the time I'm knocking on Jack's door I'm nearly having a panic attack, visions of the last time I was here are completely bombarding me. It was for a party and I did have a panic attack that day, complete with hyperventilation and puking... not my fondest memory.

"Corpsy!" Jack says as soon as he opens the door. "Come in, come in! Mark is already in the filming room."

"Hey man, cool," I say, not knowing if I should take off my mask and shoes or not.

"Come on, we've got work to do!"

I nod and hang my bag on a set of hooks right by the door then take off my mask and shove it in my pocket. I don't want to seem rude.

"Mark, look who I found," Jack chirps as we enter the filming room.

Mark smiles and gives me a little wave.

"What's up, Corpse?"

"Not much, sorry if I'm late, looks like you guys already got started."

"Nah, we were working on something else," Mark assured me. "So pitch us your idea, a narrated horror video game, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I was picturing that you guys could play that new game that just came out, with the old lady and the house. And as you go along I could narrate it, but obviously, you guys couldn't talk and I'd be winging the story."

"That sounds sick, let's set up!" Jack says enthusiastically.

We work all afternoon, trying games and seeing what stories I can come up with. It's actually really fun and my nerves melt as we all get more comfortable together.

"Alright, I've gotta have a break and some food," Mark says once the sun has finally set.

"Someone set up a movie in the living room, I'll order Chinese food," Jack chirps.

Mark gets up and I follow behind him since he seems to know where we're going.

"I brought vodka," I say randomly, just now remembering it.

"Hell yeah, go grab it!" He cheers.

I get it from my bag and rummage through the kitchen for a mixer and a few cups. All I can find is lemonade in the fridge but it will work for anyone who doesn't want their booze straight. I stopped drinking for the taste a long time ago so it doesn't matter to me.

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