Sick Fic

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AN: Don't forget to vote and comment!
~corpse pov~
"Sykkuno, you look terrible," I say as my friend stumbles out of his room.

"I'm fine, I just have a cold."

I nod and he goes to the bathroom before shuffling down the hall toward his bed again.

I continue watching tv for a while before I decide I should probably go check on my friend. I knock lightly on his door and when he doesn't answer I assume he's asleep, so I open it and step in. Thomas is in his bed wrapped up in blankets, shivering, with a layer of sweat on his forehead.

"Fuck," I whisper.

"Corpse?" He groans.


"What are you doing?"

"I was just checking on you, I'm gonna find some medicine, okay?"


In the bathroom I find a bottle of DayQuil and I take it to the kitchen with me while I get him a glass of water.

"Sit up, I need you to take this," I say quietly as I stand next to his bed.

"I don't need anything, your voice is gonna heal me."

"Excuse me?" I say with a chuckle.

"Your voice is gonna heal me."

"Okay sure, but it's not really so I need you to take this."

He sits up and swallows the liquid, washing it down with water.

"I'm so hot," he whines.

"Lay down, I'll be right back."

I go back to the bathroom and get a washcloth, soaking it in freezing cold water and wringing it out.

"Roll over, this is for your forehead."

He moans a little so I just lay the cloth on the back of his neck instead. Good enough.

I close his door and go back to the living room.

I've never thought of myself as being a very caring or nurturing person, but it sucks to see my friend so sick. Maybe I should make him soup.

I go to the kitchen and set out the ingredients before beginning to chop up a bunch of vegetables. I put them in a pot with chicken broth and then put it all on the stove to simmer with a few mild seasonings. I'll add some rice and chicken to it later but the vegetables need to cook first.

I go back to the living room and lay on the couch, watching an old rerun of The Office. The next thing I know I'm waking up, which isn't uncommon because I have insomnia so I commonly fall asleep during the day. Usually, I sleep longer though, what woke me?

"Corpse?" I hear weakly from the other room.

I quickly get up and go to check on Thomas, hoping he hasn't been yelling for me for too long.

"Hey, sorry, I was napping," I say, my voice even lower than usual from disuse.

"It's okay, I was wondering if you could bring me some orange juice and a piece of toast?"

I notice that he's looking a little perkier and only laying under one blanket instead of a mountain of them like he was earlier.

"Sure, are you feeling a little better?"

He nods.

"The medicine must be helping, thank goodness," he chirps, rubbing his nose a little.

"I'll get your food."


I make quick work of making his snack and taking it to him.

"Eat this now and I'll have chicken soup ready in about an hour."

"You're cooking for me?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You've never done that before."

"Sure I have."

"No, I guarantee you haven't."


"Are you a good cook?"

"I guess you'll know in a bit."

I feel extra pressure to make sure my soup is perfect now so I get to work. I cut the chicken into nice pieces before I sauté it with onions and then add it to the pot with the vegetables and I throw in some rice. Twenty minutes later I carry a steaming bowl in for my roommate.

"Sit up, I've got soup."

"This smells really good, Corpsy. Thank you."

"No problem."

I hold my breath as he tries a bite and he nearly moans, his eyes rolling back in his head dramatically.

"Wow... this is so good," he says before shoving another bite in his mouth.

"Really? I'm glad."

"Who taught you to cook?"

"Um, m-my grandma."

"Is she still alive?" He asks gently, probably suspecting the answer.

I shake my head quickly.

I fix myself a bowl of food before going back to Sykkuno's bed to keep him company for a while. We eat and talk a little until he starts looking drowsy.

"I'll let you sleep, give me your bowl."

"Here, I'll see you in the morning," he says quietly, handing me his dish before he lays down and snuggles under his covers.

After putting our dishes in the dishwasher and pouring the extra food into a fridge container, I go to my room. My day definitely didn't go how I expected it too, but I feel very accomplished, knowing that I was able to help Sykkuno. He's always taking care of me and it was nice to return the favor.

853 words :)

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