Chapter 30 - Truth

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

We all had a lovely day at the zoo, Noah and Aragon both got to feed the penguins and otters and they went in the farm pen and stroked the lambs and other farm animals. They absolutely loved it, we have got home and April, Paul and the kids are staying for dinner.

Elliot is making the dinner and I am sat with Violet, April and Paul in the living room while Luke is outside in the back garden playing with Noah and Aragon is helping daddy make dinner, which is more he is sitting in his chair playing trains. I just hope Luke is playing nicely with Noah.

Callie – Guys we need to talk, well Violet needs to talk to you.

They look at her and Violet looks at me and I give her a smile and squeeze her hand.

Violet – I think Luke is being bullied at school. You probably remember me telling you about his bruises but you never saw them but I did and I wasn't lying he was covered in bruises all over his back, stomach and arms.

April has tears in her eyes and Paul hugs her and I see Paul fighting back tears as well.

Paul – Has anything else been happening?

Violet looks down and I rub her back.

Violet – He has been calling me and Noah names and he is has been pushing Noah around, he says Noah needs to learn how to protect himself and man up.

April sits there crying and Paul puts his head in his hands and leans his elbows on his knees and huffs out.

Paul – Is this recent sweetheart or has this been happening while I've been away on mission?

Violet – It's recent, he has just suddenly changed since you got back from mission dad, if I could protect him at school I would but I'm in different areas to him.

Paul stands up and comes over and hugs her and then me and whispers thank you too me for supporting her.

Paul – It is not your fault sweetheart, it's lovely you want to protect your brother but you can't always be there. We will get this sorted okay!

Callie – Elliot said he is going to try and see is Danielle can get a warrant to check the school cameras.

Paul – That would be helpful, I'm going to get Luke.

Paul goes outside and then come back in with Luke and Noah and Aragon an I call Elliot and ask him to take the kids outside just in case Luke kicks off so he turns off the oven and takes them outside.

Luke - What's this about? Ganging up on me?

Paul – Luke we aren't ganging up on you we need to talk.

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