Entry Number Twenty-Six (1/30/2011)

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Dear readers,


Not sure how to start w/ this... blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So anyway, I started reading Fire late last night, and It's 5:42 and I stopped reading like 44 minutes ago and I'd already read more that half of the book. I used to be really slow at reading, but now I think I may have quickened up a bit. 

It's Sunday so I had to go to church today DX DX DX 

It's so BORING! Also, what makes it even worse for me is that I DON'T FOLLOW ANY RELIGION!!!

I'm not Atheist or Agnostic though. I feel that there is a god, not the Christian god(that douche), but a god none the less. But if there is no god I accept that 'cause I mean I can't prove there IS one so there might not be one. Know what I mean? I guess you'd call me spiritual but not religious. 

For the most part, even if there is a god, I know that the only person I can rely on is myself.

But the reason I go to a Christian church is 'cause my parents are Christians. Not hardcore or any of that bullshit, but still. 

They know I hate church, but they think it's just because it's boring.

Aw well, at least I know that when I get out of this place I'm never going to church ever again(unless it's to fake being possessed of play the Penis game). I promised myself that.

Another thing, too. I'm glad that this Sunday I don't have that feeling of "UGGH I gotta go to school tomorrow DX DX DX" 'cause I DON'T have to! XD XD XD No school 'till Wednesday!

I always feel like pronouncing words the way they're spelled. Do you ever feel like that? Friend like FREE-ends and Wednesday like Wed-nez-day. It's just so much more fun that way.

I just accidentally almost spelled way as whay. I quite like that way(or whay) of spelling the word. I think that is going to be the whay I spell it from now on. Though not at school, of course. Just online.

Though those stupid red sqwiggly lines are gonna be rly annoying.

Anyway, dad's botherin' be to go dry the dished, so I'm gonna do that, and then I'm gonna watch ANTM. 

But before that, I was watching this vid earlier called Things NOT to Ask a Gay Guy. I loved it, so I've decided that it will replace today's song.

I'll give you guyz today's picture later.

So yeah, ttyl!



Yeah, I kinda forgot about this today... I was makin' mah first youtube vids and blah, and now mum wants me to get of RIGHT NOW so there's not time to explain stuff(I'll do that tomorrow if I remember) and no time to pick a picture.

So buhbye!

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