Entry Number Forty-Five (2/18/2011)

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Dear readers,

We got sent home at break(between 2nd and 3rd block) today! XD 

It was rly snowy so they had ta send us home.

It's 4:11 ryt now. I got on the computer at 2:40 though. I was on the desktop though('cause it's friday) and it was too slow, so I decided to postpone writing this until I got on Mark's laptop.

So yeah, I just finished readin' all mah manga. Twaz good. XD

Anyway... I made this really random song while we were waiting for the buses. I'll post the lyrics later.



Here are the stupid lyrics to mah stupid and random song:

Baking cookies, bake, baking cookies with your mom

Baking cookies, bake, baking cookies with your mom

Baking cookies, bake, baking cookies with your mom

Baking cookies, bake, baking cookies with your mom

Making muffins, make, making muffins with your dad

Making muffins, make, making muffins with your dad

Making muffins, make, making muffins with your dad

Making muffins, make, making muffins with your dad

Baking bread with Grandma

Baking bread with Grandma

Baking bread with Grandma

Baking bread with Grandma

Banana bread, banana bread

Banana bread with uncle Bob

Banana bread, banana bread

Banana bread with uncle Bob

Eatin' with mah siblings

Eatin' with mah siblings

Eatin' with mah siblings

Eatin' with mah siblings





And a banana!

Anyway, I am happy right now. Know why?

It's 'cause I'm currently eating peanut butter on toast, a kiwi, a banana, and a cinnamon roll. 

YUM!!! X3 X3 X3



I'm getting off now(I got on two hours early, so really I should have been of 25 minutes ago XP)

Today's song is Satisfaction. The Tom Jones version. I wanted to make this the song sometime before, but I could only find the Rolling Stones version, which I didn't really like. At all.

So yeah... I'm gonna get some readin' done. X3

Anyway, buhbye.

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