Entry Number Fifty-Four (2/27/2011)

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Dear readers,

I just got back from church. 'Twaz boring as usual. What I always do to pass the time while waiting for mass to end is make up stories with me as the main character. It's quite effective. When I do this, time goes much faster. Besides, I don't even understand what the guy'z saying. It's in French, and while that IS my second language, we learn PROPER French at school. The French people arround here speak(including my mother) is ACADIAN French. Big difference. And he really talks to fast for me to follow it even if I understood.

Anyway, Imma go back to watching ANTM, and then I'll FINALLY start watching One Piece. 



Woopsiez! I forgot ta tell ya what time I be gettin' off, didn't I?

I got on at 11:30, so I'm gettin' off at 4:30.



I'm getting off real soon. As soon as I finish the episode I'm watching. Didn't end up watching One Piece after all. Meh.

Anyway, I will probamobably be back on tonight, so ttyl!

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